Beijing Liberation, and My Faith in Japan

Day 489, 13:31 Published in Japan China by Modelcon
My dear Japanese,

In one hour, Beijing will be liberated, to be returned to Chinese hands.

I am here to inform you the circumstances around Liberation, and to convey the thanks of the Chinese people to the Japanese who fought in Iran.

About this time yesterday, (14:00 server time), two influential Iranians (one a former President and the other a MoFA) started resistance wars in Beijing and Ningxia, respectively. After initial confusion in China, we decided that we must liberate Beijing and keep Ningxia part of Iran. Why part of Iran? Because it is vital to the Romanians, who seek to use it as a pathway towards Iran. Without it, they will have to carve up China (which will melt like butter) in order to reach the Iranians. Unfortunately, Ningxia shall be "liberated", and there shall be consequences, which will occupy the Chinese leadership in the days to come.

Anyways, the primary purpose of this article is to thank the nation of Japan, who sent many fighters after I asked it to on the forums and privately with a few people. To the best of my knowledge, the Imperial Army sent fighters to liberate Beijing. For that, I am extremely grateful. Those who know me know that I like to use words. This time, I have donated 5 gold to the Japanese Imperial Army. This has been the largest private donation to the Imperial Army, see here. Again, I would like to express gratitude at those who fought and will liberate Beijing.

There is much China can learn from Japan. In real life, we are titans of the world, but ironically, we're petit dwarves here on eRep. Having spent a significant chunk of my elife over in Japan, I now know how to guide the Chinese from a successful Asian model of leadership. As the Party President in the biggest party in China, the Chinese Equality Party, I know that I can play a central role in the Reconstruction of China.

I encourage Japanese investment and export to China. We are but a fledgling chick, and we need weapons, moving tickets and food. We are also under threat of a take over, and I would like to ask for voters interested in voting over here. Unfortunately, I cannot offer tickets, but am contacting an associate to find some.

I convey my thanks again to those who fought.

May the glorious motherland triumph!