Battle Bar 2

Day 1,826, 10:45 Published in Croatia Croatia by Orange Black
Pozdrav eGradjani. 😃
Greetings, eCitizens.

U današnjem članku, nazočimo budjenju jedne balkanske zemlje eGrcke. Ustanovili smo iz prethodnih članaka, mnoštvo varijabli koje utječu na količinu nanete štete, pa ćemo danas samo varijable najvećeg prioriteta. Rat Bugarska - Grčka - Makedonija i Argentina - Cile.
In today's article, we attend the raising of one Balkan country eGrcke. We found out in previous articles, the multitude of variables that affect the amount of damage inflicted, so we will only include variables with the highest priority. War between Bulgaria vs Greece vs Macedonia and Argentina vs Chile.

Pomaku od 5% u odnosu na prošli Battle Bar najviše su pridonele Grčka i Argentina. Dok su ostali uglavnom ostali isti.
Shift of 5% compared to last Battle Bar the most contributions are Greece and Argentina. While others have remained the same.

Pomak od 6-7% u D2 većinski je utjecaj imala Grčka, koja je u vremenu eRep mira skladištila bazuke i cokse.

The shift of 6-7% in D2 is majority influenced by Greece, which in time of peace in eRep stored their bazookas and chocolate bars.

Pomak 0%. Za Eden je gurala Grčka, A na drugoj strani se probudila Makedonija, i dodatni igraći koji su prešli u D3 u Čileu, i ta mlada zemlja prijeti da nas zaobiđe. (bliska budućnost)
Shift of 0%. For Eden was pushing Greece, and on the other side Macedonia, and additional players who have transferred to D3 in Chile, and this young country is threatening to bypass us. (near future).

I prava snaga Grčke D4, pomak od 5% i prebacivanje crvene linije na drugu stranu. Prošlo je podosta vremena od kada se Grčka udomaćila na svojim novim teritorijama. Uživala u dodatnim resursima, nije bila zauzeta svojim ratovima i onda su se našli naivci poput Bugarske i Makedonije koji su bili iscrpljeni svojim nedavnim ratovima i napali. Probudili ste diva, čuvajte se 😃
And the true force of Greece D4, a shift of 5% and switching the red line on the other side. It was a long time since Greece has found its home in their new territories. Enjoyed the additional resources, it was not tied up with wars and then cuple of naives like Bulgaria and Macedonia, who were exhausted with their recent wars, attacked. You have awakened the giant, beware my friends: D

Hail eGreece!
Hail eCroatia!

Pozz! o7