Balambani Interviews eEgypt President Akhraziel on WAR

Day 1,521, 14:25 Published in Greece Greece by Yiannis and Vasilis balambani

President Akhraziel religious scavenger guerrilla warfare

In light of the recent liberation of eEgypt from ONE by eGreece I decided to interview President Akhraziel representing the ONE Egypt forces. It will be interesting hearing his opinions after his provocative article was published.

Lets begin...


Italic are comments by Balambani

Bold are comments by Akhraziel

Hello Akhraziel!

I would like to have an interview if possible for the Greek Press regarding Egypt's liberation from ONE and the end of your tyrannical regime 🙂

I would most appreciate it if you accept this proposal so we may seethe reasoning behind your confused ramblings..

Regards Balambani

If the interview was legitimate and not just an attempt to bash me and Egypt, I would accept, but unfortunately you are just trying to ridicule.


In no way is this an attempt to bash Egypt for its a glorious age for Egypt that must be highlighted, its just seeking to find your say on matters and report the truth behind the news but if you feel unable to answer, fair enough, though this is not related to ridicule but truth.


Fine as long as this is serious and not an attempt to ridicule I will do it.

Good we understand eachother 🙂

1) What first brought you to the game Erepublik?

I first noticed the Egyptian group on facebook which advertised the game. Due to the revolution, I was extremely interested in politics which is a key factor in why I joined the game.

2) When you first joined how was eEgypt like politically?

It was very good. Croatians, led by antjerci I believe, were protecting Egypt from being PTOed, but refrained from running for congress or president. The early Croatians helped Egypt a lot.

Egypt was pro-EDEN, which I also supported at the time since Croatia had been such a big help. Egyptians and foreigners worked well together and made Egypt the strongest of the new Arab countries.

Egyptian Presidents Heboo and Varlosh did a great job during their terms and set Egypt on the right path.

3) So why now has Egypt, in your eyes, retreated from EDEN into the claws of ONE if Egypt and Croatia get on so well?

First, Greece invaded Egypt. Greece and Egypt had a deal to rent regions to Greece under President Arab League. Greece completely disregarded the deal, and completely conquered Egypt even though we were pro-EDEN. Croatia and the rest of EDEN refused to do anything about it.

Second, the original Croatian ATO group and its leaders left because they believed Egypt was ready to stand on its own. However, a secondary group of Croatians who were in the Lock n'Load military unit decided to PTO Egypt, which has completely soured relations with Croatia as Egypt has been under PTO most of the summer and fall.

Very legitimate reasons, don't you agree?

4) According to the Greek sources, it was the Egypt who refused to allow Greece to pass to Saudi Arabia for oil and the Egypt totally disregarded Greek interests and so the Greeks cut their way through by force, against your interests and so you turned against EDEN, especially as the Croats went neutral to your dispute? What is your view on all this?

That is completely untrue. We had a deal to let them pass through. The war was originally started for that reason to let them through. However, according to the Greek government, Greek citizens did not follow orders and kept attacking.

The Greek government did nothing to correct its citizens actions and their inability to follow orders. EDEN should have stepped in at that point since we were complying with Greece's wishes.

We were still loyal to EDEN at that point. We were doing everything we could to help Greece.

5) When exactly did this happen?

It was during ARab League's Presidency which I believe was in May.

6) Werent there any attempts by the Egyptian government to stop conflict, if not through Greece then at least through EDEN or even Israel which if I recall correctly had strong ties with you?

I know there were attempts. I know there were meetings with Greece and Croatia, but other than that I am not sure.

7) So do you think it was acceptable helping Greeces enemy invade Greece and then naming them 'Macedonia' which many Greeks find insulting or did you do this with the hope of gaining revenge?

Greece and EDEN betrayed us. We were conquered, we had no lands, no way to make money, nothing. We had to do something so we turned to Macedonia who promised us freedom.

Macedonia drove Greece out of Egypt and returned our lands to us, and have helped us many times since then.

It was Greece and EDEN's decision to kick us out and force us to go to ONE And Macedonia.

Just as EDEN turned to turkey in its hour of need.

😎 Neglecting that Macedonia is a historic region in Greece and that you are reffering to FYROM, do you think it was ok to let them occupy your land also and do the same they did to you on Cyprus unprovoked?

They did not occupy our land when we asked for it. Several times they occupied our lands in order to prevent us from getting a congress which helped keep the PTO from spreading. We asked them to occupy us to prevent a congress that would allow the PTO to give cs.

And I assume you are talking about their attack on Cyprus?

No I did not support that. Cyprus had helped us as well against Greece and had also proven to be good allies.

9) So from mid July to early September 2011 you thought it was nesscary for them to occupy most if not all your territory, even western desert, when Greece was being subdued in the Balkans?

Yes because the Croatians ptoed us shortly after Macedonia drove the Greeks out and helped us regain our land. This is the first month we have been free of the pto.

10) Okay we shall see the opinion of Greek and maybe EDEN officials. Thank you very much for your time, got any messages you would like to say to Greece, EDEN and Balambani World News readers?

[Akhraziel does not reply, space left for potential reply]


Thanks Balambani Broz