Arundel for President

Day 1,231, 16:21 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.
Election Day is upon us. The man who will lead the country for the next month has many obstacles ahead of him. I have been preparing to tackle them for some time now, and in my final article of this campaign, I want to address a few:

We need to secure more resources immediately. As you can see from my national goals, I’ve outlined three regions that will do this. In my opinion, priority one is Iron. I have good relationships with the two leading candidates for Prime Minister of the UK, and working out a way to acquire Iron from Wales is at the top of my list. Once that is accomplished, I can push the button to attack Canada. I’ve always dreamed of being able to do that, and this month, I plan to. No, not a war of conquest, but we will spill some blood to honor those lost during CanAm.

Foreign Affairs:
We have a long road ahead of us, to find the proper balance in our foreign relations. Terra and EDEN need to coordinate better. I’ve been working on this as Deputy Supreme Commander of Terra, and it will be the top priority for the Foreign Affairs team, and our military. Keeping good relations with as many members of these alliances as possible. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with many of our newer allies, especially Brazil, Argentina and yes, the United Kingdom. I hope that this cooperation can continue, and will make it my goal to assist them in the best way I can.

The next month will be probably the most important month in inci and government relations. With the OWL Army growing in strength, the ultimate inci goal of a free Cyprus is almost within reach. When I noticed that cccimelihmessiccc was declared to be the next inci Party President, I was very excited. I have spoken with him, and he says that Titreyenbaykus is the right person to lead inci. Melih is a great leader, and I hope he and Titreyenbaykus will be willing to sit down and talk with me, so that we can work together. inci made a strong gesture when you only took five Congress seats, now it is time for us to begin to work together. It is time to fight together. The OWL Army has been fighting for America, and it is time they are recognized for it. I will work with jackjumper and other OWL leaders to help them learn the rules to receive food to fight.

We have taken a small first step, now it is time for another step. Then, another. Eventually, the OWL Army will be strong enough to fly to Cyprus and make a home for all inci. Until then, we have no choice but to work together, and I am confidant that we can. Turkish version of this section at the end

Some more Cabinet:
I’m doing final selections of my staff tonight, and I’ve sent messages to some of you who have been assigned jobs, more messages will come throughout the night. I’m going to give a summary of the more senior positions, and if I win, I’ll publish a full cabinet after the re-count period is over.

Vice President: Paul Proteus
Chief of Staff: Speedcat McNasty
Grand Vizier: Inwegen
National Security Advisor: Alexander Hamilton
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dishmcds
Secretary of Defense: Deificus
Secretary of State: Jelly9473
Secretary of the Interior: CRoy
Secretary of Education: Blank Keating
Secretaries of Media: Kentel and Robert Loggia

For inci:
Gelecek ay muhtemelen Inci ve Amerikan Hükümeti arasındaki en önemli ay olacak.Owls ordusunun gücü yükseldikçe , Kıbrısı özgür kılma amacına nerdeyse yaklaşmış bulunuyorsunuz.cccimelihessiccc’nin Inci Partisinin yeni başkanı olacağını açıklandığında çok fazla heyecanlanmıştı.Onunla konuştum ve bana Titreyenbaykus’un inciyi yönetmek için doğru insan olduğunu söyledi.Melih mükemmel bir lider ve umuyorummki o ve Titreyenbaykus benimle oturup konuşmaya hevesli olurlar , böylece birlikte çalışabiliriz.Inci , kongre seçimlerinde sadece 5 tane senatör isteyerek çok güçlü bir jest yaptı , şimdide onlarla çalışmaya başlamanın zamanı.Birlikte savaşmanın zamanı geldi.Owls ordusu Amerika için savaşıyor , onları tanımamızın zamanı geldi.Ben jackjumper ve öbür Owls ordusu liderleri ile konuşup onlara funding için olan kuralları öğreteceğim.

Ufakta olsa ilk adımımızı attık , artık başka adımlarıda atmanın zamanı geldi.Sonra , bir başka adım.Eninde sonunda Owls ordusu Kıbrısı uçup oraya evleri yapacak kadar güç kazanacak.O zamana kadar , birlikte çalışmak dışında yapacak başka birşeyimiz yok ve ben eminim ki bunu yapacağız.