Around the World #6; Midnight Mayhem

Day 1,685, 22:09 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


War for France


Belligerents: USA, Canada, France vs. Poland, UK
Results: Terra wins this time, as the Americans managed to negotiate peace with the Polish, who had seemed destined to capture the District of Columbia once again, even taking Limousin from the Poles, much to French chagrin. All that's left is yet another France-England war, which should amount to nothing.

Winner (this week): France
Winner (campaign): France

War for the Atlantic


Belligerents: USA, Canada vs. Poland, Spain
Results: So much for an invasion. The Canadians knocked Spain back across the ocean with a successful recapture of Newfoundland. Spain was forced to use the Azores as a blockade to prevent Canadian pursuit. In the other front, the Americans and Polish negotiated a peace deal, and ended their skirmish with little trouble. Talk about a buzzkill...

Portuguese Resurgence


Belligerents: Portugal vs. Spain
Results: Ok, so maybe the miracle was just a bit late. But there you have it, Portugal is back and not wasting any time, quickly recapturing four provinces since its wipe at the end of last week. Supported by troops overseas, Portugal is looking much stronger than the version mercifully put to rest just days ago.

Winner (this week): Portugal
Winner (campaign): Portugal

Macedonian War of Aggression


Belligerents: Greece vs. FYROM
Results: Greece tried to slam the door shut, but FYROM stuck its foot in the crack at the last minute. Though the Greeks managed to wipe FYROM, the Macedonians have quickly reclaimed control of two provinces, though another war is unlikely, seeing their current position as the weaker of the two. Despite a loss in the eleventh hour, Greece did push further into enemy lands.

Winner (this week): Greece
Winner (campaign): Greece

Serbian Rebellion


Belligerents: Albania, Revolutionaries vs. Serbia, Montenegro
Results: Damn you Serbia! Albania put up a hell of a fight, even taking Kosovo during the apex of the war, but sadly was wiped with the entrance of Montenegro into the war. However, Albania managed to retake its coast only hours after its last holdings fell. Nevertheless, Serbia's goal of gaining passage to Greece was attained.

Winner (this week): Serbia, Montenegro
Winner (campaign): Serbia, Montenegro

Ukrainian-Moldovan War


Belligerents: Ukraine, Romania vs. Moldova, Hungary
Results: A cleaning lady working for a shady no star motel in the outskirts of Las Vegas would be flabbergasted at the mess this is. But no matter how ridiculous the map appears, there's only one conclusion: a clear EDEN victory, as ONE 'powerhouse' Hungary lost lands in both fronts, and 'misunderstood' 'pro-EDEN' Moldova was forced to retreat from the edge of Zaporozhia. Obviously not a 'great' week for the 'superior' aggressors.

Winner (this week): Ukraine, Romania
Winner (campaign): Ukraine, Romania

Swedish Reconquest of Bohus

Belligerents: Russia vs. Sweden
Results: Sweden surprised more than a few with its strength against Russia, holding up to its fearsome appearance. Although Sweden has not made progress on reclaiming Bohus, they have not caved in to Russia counterattacks either. This will be interesting to watch, especially if Norway joins in the battle.

Winner (this week): DRAW
Winner (campaign): DRAW

Until next time, take care!