Around the World #2; Quick Defeats and Breakthroughs

Day 1,657, 13:33 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


Iberian War


Belligerents: Portugal, China vs. Spain
Results: I think we can clearly see the results of this week's battle. Spain has fallen completely under enemy occupation...again. Seriously, Spain, get your act together! Portugal and China worked as one collective unit, coordinating their attacks to strike with lethal force. The end result? The wipe of Spain. Serbia awaits, China!

Winner (this week): Portugal, China
Winner (campaign): Portugal, China

War of Hungarian Conquest and Polish Intervention


Belligerents: France, USA, Germany vs. Hungary, Poland
Results: What started as an easy victory for the forces of TEDEN quickly turned for the worse as Poland declared war. USA had seized all of northern Hungarian France, and France had RWed back its eastern lands, and even Germany pitched in, capturing some of the south while also RWing lands from Poland. But Poland's intervention has caused some complications. As relative equals, Poland and USA are locked in close combat. Still, Hungary has caused mass chaos in French lands, with scattered borders and random RWs popping up out of the blue. Poland has started a push into American France, with the initiative in its hands.

Winner (this week): France, USA, Germany
Winner (campaign): Hungary, Poland

Turkish Revolution


Belligerents: Turkey vs. Bulgaria, Serbia
Results: Turkey's victory seemed inevitable. Having knocked Bulgaria down to two provinces, a quick wipe was within reach. But Serbia had other plans.
Attacking Turkey, Serbia took Bulgarian lands, while also helping Bulgaria revolt its way back. Bulgaria has since reclaimed every last territory, and has started a counter-assault on Turkey, passing Istanbul into the heart of Turkey. Despite this, Turkey holds onto lands still.

Winner (this week): Bulgaria, Serbia
Winner (campaign): Turkey

Macedonian War of Aggression


Belligerents: Greece vs. FYROM
Results: Just when Greece thought it could rest easy, FYROM stormed back, capturing border provinces left and right. FYROM has quickly taken advantage of Greece's lethargy, and appears finally ready to push Greece out once and for all. But Greece isn't giving up, instigating revolts in their conquered lands and making FYROM's conquest as difficult as possible.

Winner (this week): FYROM
Winner (campaign): FYROM


Chinese Liberation of Italy

Belligerents: China, Croatia vs. Serbia
Results: Heck, yeah! Fresh off the whooping of Spain, China's moved on to help Croatia contain the Serbian menace. Croatia's done fine on its own, taking two provinces, but has since lost the initiative. China's rushing through Sardinia to attack Serbian Italy, but first must hold onto Sardinia as Serbia has the initiative. China must step up its game or be trampled.

Let me know if you want me to discuss any other wars! Deadline is midnight, day 1,657! Until next time, take care!