Day 2,712, 09:36 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

For this day, just one day, I would like to set aside petty politicking and nationalism. Tonight it is just me, writing from the heart. I do not wear any official hat, in fact, my head is bare as symbolised by the absent banner. There will be no flashy images in this article. Your imagination must do the job instead.

Today, April 25, marks ANZAC Day here in Australia. Originally, it was a day to commemorate the soldiers from Australia and New Zealand that were sent to the other side of the world to fight in the First World War. It has become a Memorial Day of sorts to our soldiers in all conflicts.

Although we play at war in this game, it is important to remember that war is a real thing in this world of flesh and blood. It touches too many of us.

If music helps you picture a setting, please listen to The Last Post. I am sure you can find it on YouTube. I can't link it, because listening to it makes me cry. Even more than I already am.

Today is not just about those in uniform, or that used to wear a uniform. It is also about their mothers. Their daughters. Their sisters and brothers. Their fathers and their sons. And their friends. All of us touched by war and conflict.

I have little more to say today that are my own words. A poem from the First World War says much of what I think:

I didn't raise my son to be a soldier,
I brought him up to be my pride and joy.
Who dares to put a musket on his shoulder,
To kill some other mother's darling boy?

If that doesn't move you, perhaps the words of Australian band Redgum will:

"God held me..........
I was only nineteen..."

Good night, and God bless.

Lest we forget...