ANZAC BG BO Day 2,083

Day 2,083, 21:44 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

PRIORITY 1: Fight for eAustralia in LSI

PRIORITY 2: Fight for eAustralia in the Northern Territory Resistance War

The ANZAC Battle Group is a v1 militia that has recently been revived. The MU currently supplies above average supplies and also puts out constant combat orders up for eAustralian battles and our members. We are seeking new members who want good supplies and enjoy constantly updated battle orders. Sign up here.


- Fight if the bar is at 53% or lower.

- If you're a new player you are eligible for extra supplies from the ADF

- Try and save a weapon or two from supplies given by your MU, so that you never run out supplies and it doesn't leaves you stranded.

- Never use Big Bombs and Small Bombs unless it is an important battle to you or your country.

- On the right hand side of your battle screen, watch out for Combat Orders where MU's may offer cash rewards for putting in damage.

- Try to fight for MPP battles as moving across the globe is expensive.

Ballers yo.