An Interview with the King

Day 2,741, 21:34 Published in Australia Australia by Merovingiano
Hello fellow eAustralians,

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing our president and dictator Henry the 8th. My hope was to bring a little humanity and relatability to an eAustralian legend. So without further ado here goes:

What is your favorite thing about eAustralia?

The fact that we are a nation of strong minded individuals, and the fact that we haven't become a Serbian/Spanish puppet .... yet.

What do you believe is your greatest accomplishment in eRep?

Lasting for 6+ years 

In your own words, How did you become the legend you are today in eAus?

I guess I was more a military legend than anything else, but that dates back to the old days, I was kind of a founding father of KnightHawks which was created at the birth of V2 (which in my eyes was the best version erep ever had, just needed a few tweaks). We were basically a coordinated fighting force that did most of it collaboration on Skype. We liberated so many countries and made a name for ourselves as people not to mess with, the KHs had 3 players with entire V2 overall scores of 4th, 76th and 127th in world rankings.

We were so strong that other countries would buy our damage and use us in coordinated strikes which was famously successful, building relationships with leaders the world over, some of which I still talk to today  Since then we all gained individual recognition for what we had achieved and are still respected today in some older circles, but many of them have left and some even have died  RIP Don Kronox and Sam Cougar o>

What fact might people find surprising about you? Perhaps a crazy IRL talent?

No idea

How has your term been so far? Are things going as expected?

Yeah, kind of expected, I knew it would be hard and it is, the staff we have are brilliant, but we need more. The trick being "many hands make light work" so if anyone wants to be part of any branch of gov please say something, we can always find a position for you, even if it's just an internship type thing to give you an idea of how things actually run.

I fear for eAustralia's future with the new dictatorship regime, it won't be long until all the small countries like ours are completely overrun and drained of their funds and ultimately their true voices.

Once this happens the game will just be run by a few egotistical MUs, and that will lead to the death of Plato's cash cow and the final nail in his coffin.

eAus can still beat this outcome, but we must stand united 

I think Henry makes some great points when it comes to getting involved. Don't ever feel afraid to get your hands dirty and get some work done yourself. If you have any aspirations, pursue them.

If you have any complaints, work to fix the problem. Speak up because the key to this game is communication. eAustralia needs your ideas or your perspective on a problem to progress as a society.

So my call to you is to get involved. Chat in the IRC.

Speak your mind in the forums. Write in the press.

Most importantly, be an important part of the history of eAustralia.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always may eAustralia prosper,

Citizen and Senator of eAustralia