An Endorsement for PoTUS

Day 2,991, 19:57 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

Orikfricai for PoTUS... Orikfracai for PoTUS...


Orik and I have always had a special kind of relationship. I say something, he disagrees. He says something, I disagree.

My first thought when I heard he was running was and bit like the thoughts you have that make your head tilt to the side and you squint. I had to think carefully on this because I don't usually endorse anyone.

I thought back to all the arguing and I came to one conclusion that surprised me a bit. He'll make a good PoTUS.

Him and I have never been "friends" I have disagreed with him on more things then I have agreed with him on but the point of it was always the betterment of the Feds or the eUS.

It doesn't matter if I was right

or he was right

What mattered was he cared enough to have the discussion in the first place. In a game where apathy is the meal of the day and very few people give a f anymore. He cared, he wanted to improve the game or at least make it suck less.

To me that is incredibly important. Does he know all of the things that most deem important for a PoTUS to know? of course but at this stage of the game there is only a small group who don't know those things.

Caring about the quality of the game in this time period is more important (to me) than any of that. It means no matter what happens I know he will take the time needed to make the right choices. It also means he'll pick the best people with which to surround himself.

I will most likely never agree with Orik on everything but that doesn't matter. I agree with him on this.