Among Thieves

Day 695, 12:52 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

It will be said that I am just looking for a reason to attack certain people; that’s their favorite defense. Am I to let disapproval stop me? Should this be gotten away with just because I am discouraged from it? No, this is absolutely unjust.

There has been discussion lately about a donation that was made by Metallon’s administration (presumably by either Metallon or Olorum, who are the only two who had access to the Austrian Central Bank) 9 days ago. Today, October 15th, 9 days ago is October 6th.

On October 6th, Rangeley was President.

This means the donation was made by Metallon’s administration while he wasn’t President, just before handing over the account to Rangeley the following day. A volunteer watched the donations list to see precisely when it was made. The days passed since the donation goes up between 2:59 and 3:05 a.m EST, midnight eRepublik time. There is a slim chance the donation was made during the last minute of his Presidency, but even then, it is a shady maneuver and one we shouldn’t have in government.

The greater likelihood is that the money was donated while he was not President. As far as I’m concerned, that money was stolen. Neither Metallon, who was at that point a citizen, nor Olorum, also a citizen, had the authority to withdraw such a large amount of money from a government account and just give it away as a gift. The only change Metallon asked for in the Constitution was one that addressed elected officials stealing from the nation, and now he has done just that. There is nothing to be done to rectify this issue, but the responsible party should be ashamed.

If you expect to be my friend, Metallon, if you’d like for people to not always be “complaining,” as you call it, you must treat Austria with more respect than this. You were the one who wanted to make sure something like this was illegal. What if after I lost to you I decided that some random organization deserved 250 of the people’s gold before I left? What would you have said?

“This isn’t justice,” most likely.


Vote NO on Reynolds' house tax bill!! 🙂
