
Day 1,842, 14:17 Published in Romania Romania by dromi
Nu scapa din vedere ca esti pus la incercare sa faci binele cand iti sta in putinta, si sa nu faci raul atunci cand esti tentat sa-l faci.

Don't forget that you are challenged to do good when you are able to do it, and don't be evil when you are tempted to do it.
-- Vladimir Ghika

Acum o luna am vazut un anunt in joc - se cautau ambasadori pentru corpul diplomatic roman. Anuntul a continuat cateva zile semn ca lumea nu prea se inghesuia pentru asemenea sarcini – adevarul este ca nu se primeste vreo medalie sau gold pentru asa ceva si pe deasupra trebuie sa pierzi mult timp pe chaturi.
Desi imi imchipuia vag ce ar presupune “jobul” de ambasador am intrat pe chatul #cdr - am spus ca vreau sa activez pentru o tara din spatiu german si am "primit" Elvetia ( era pe lista si Austria dar am zis sa nu ma intind pentru ca nu am experientza si nu am nici prea mult timp liber). In 5 minute am completat un formular si am devenit "ambasador". M-am bucurat ca m-am pricopsit cu o functie oficiala fara alegeri, stres, munca de convingere sau investitzii 😃.
Dupa 2 zile mi-am adus aminte ca parca sunt ambasador si ar trebui sa fac ceva pentru asta. Am intrat din nou pe #cdr - am gasit un document cu instructiuni si indreptar de "munca". Undeva la sfarsitul documentelor era si o mica lista cu puncte din regulament:
1. Sa fii politicos indiferent de ce jicniri primesti
2. Tu reprezinti eRo, intrebi mofa sau vmofa daca iti pun intrebari la care nu stii
3. Raport o data la 3-4 zile
4. Sanatate sa ai !
Punctul 4 a fost cel mai usor, la al 3-lea punct cu nerusinare pot spune ca am fost lenes; nu am primit nici o intrebare de la vreun oficial roman despre Elvetia si la primul punct nu am avut ce face, caci toata lumea de pe chaturile lor era politicoasa ( cu toate ca nu aveau prea multe motive ).

Now some things about eSwissland - a small eCountry in the middle of Europe. Had 4 original regions 60% food, 20% weaps bonuses when the entire country is free (same like Romania ). In 18.10.2012 there were 450 swiss citizens in game, in 18.11.2012 360 players and now 350 gamers - Swiss average citizens level = 20 ( Romania - 24 ).
On military level, they have 3 MPP signed - with Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Austria and Peru - Swissland is member of CoT alliance (current Minister of Defence of Switzerland is/was also Military Commander of CoT ).
All the fun in game is on political level, where citizens are tring to avoid PTOs and always with some days before congress elections, the country is intentionally erased by Slowenia.
Actual CP is Monsieur Guillontine - next CP will be probably Chukcha who announced CP candidation in this article . His candidate to CP election is Cronoss ( "swiss" opposition ).
Minister of Foreign Affairs is sgtchewy : Switzerland prides itself on not having trully bad relations with anybody, so I look forward to getting to know you further. Good luck in your future.

I put some questions to some swiss efriends and they give me nice answers.


1) Which was the most good moment in game this month? ( battle, election, MPP )
2) When do you think Swiss will have a congress?
3) Do you think CoT is the right choise for Swissland?
4) Can you recomand a swiss citizen that had/have a good biographie ( ex. Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci ):
5) Can you recommend a romanian citizen that had/have a good biography:


madkytle alias JosefStalin ( google man ) –

1. Which was the most good moment in game this month? I got 100 bazookas. Just kidding. the best was that our "holy" monsieur guillontine was reelected and not the multi.

2. When do you think Swiss will have a congress? Soon. 1 month maybe or after the mutli guy goes away.

3. Do you think CoT is the right choise for Swissland? First Swissland srsly??? second sure . At least we got again a mighty alliance which can conquer the world haha switzerland beats serbia and poland that would be epice (epic + nice)

4. Can you recomand a swiss citizen that had/have a good biographie ( ex. Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci ): myself, roger federer , dj bobo (Rene baumann),ursula andress (First Bond Girl) ,Daniel BERNOULLI , Leonhard EULER (both are mathematicians), Max Frisch (Author),Claude NICOLLIER (Astronaut),Peter SAUBER (Founder, former head and owner of the formula one (F1) racing team Sauber Petronas),Roger SCHAWINSKI (media pioneer),Renée ZELLWEGER( Actress, appears for example in "Bridget Jones's Diary", "Chicago" and many other movies) and Huldrych ZWINGLI (the father of the reformation which isnt protestant)

5. Can you recommend a romanian citizen that had/have a good biography: Corneliu Coposu (a stupid anticommunist but he had nice ideas) and Valentin Lipatti.

Kliment E. Voroshilov alias Luka_T

1.It's good that we got two of our territories. It is important for every country
to be on map, that will show affect on our economy, but also will give us possiblity to have congressional elections.

2.If we keep good relations with our neighbours, it is highly possibly on upcoming elections, but I can't be 100$ sure in that.

3l. Yes, I do, Switzerland need to be in alliance, as it is too weak to work alone, CoT alliance is good chance for us!

4. Uhm, I am not native Swiss citizen to know that much people, but in my opinion William Tell (even he is fictive person, he is really known) and Roger Federer xD

5. Eh, Dracula and Chauchesku 😃
Just kidding, I do know some footballers like Gabriel Torje, Adrian Mutu, maybe I forgot to mentoin someone really important.

Kind regards,
Kliment E. Voroshilov!

Archein von Drakenov

1° The battle we lead against the multis, through the elections.

2° As soon as the Romanian PTO lead by Cronoss and multis will be out of the way.

3° Switzerland made a very good choice to enter a new alliance, new friends, new possibilities.

4° I'd say... Rodger Federer 😃

5° I think that Ceaușescu has a good Curriculum Vitae 😃 Kidding of course 😉 Mircea Cartarescu has a very nice style 🙂

Please, at your service 🙂


1. The best moment... I think it was the moment when Switzerland won the elections against PTOers and multis.

2. Switzerland will have congress when Cronoss and his multi group leave the country. Until then the 3-point-plan is the best solution for Switzerland in this antiPTO campaign.

3. I think it is. CoT is an alliance which doesn't create borders between the weaker countries and the stronger countries and that's why it's the right place for a small country like Switzerland.

Lotus Black
- the Prime Minister

1. Which was the most good moment in game this month? ( battle, election, MPP )
This month we had a more calm month. Apart from fighting against the PTO, we had been involved in CoT and trying to make our bonds with allied countries stronger. The best part could be that one of our own has been chosen for MC in CoT (Military Commander) and I also got chosen to be the PR organiser (Public Relations). So that's a very good thing, being active in the aliance.

2. When do you think Swiss will have a congress?
I can't be certain, it depends on the PTOers and our plans regarding them. I really can't say.

3. Do you think CoT is the right choise for Swissland?
Yes, I do. When CoT was formed, they had in mind an alliance where all members are equal and help each other in any way they can. For a small country like Switzerland that is great. Even if we are small we can still bring something to the table, even if sometimes that is just active players and good ideas.

4.Can you recomand a swiss citizen that had/have a good biographie ( ex. Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci ):
I had to get some help from my fellow eSwiss player (thank you Madkytle) since im not a native Swiss.

Some famous Swiss you might know:
- Max Frisch (a famous playwright and novelist from Zurich)
- Roger Federer (professional tennis player from Basel) - I'm sure you all know him
- Leonhard Euler (a pioneer mathematician and physicist from Basel)
- Ursula Andress (an actress and sex symbol of the 1960s from Berne - known for her role as Bond girl Honey Ryder in the first James Bond film)
- Henri Nestlé (founder of Nestlé, born in Germany but lived in Switzerland most of his life)
- Peter René Cipiriano Baumann, better known as DJ BoBo (a singer, songwriter, dancer and music producer from Kölliken) woop woop 🙂

5. Can you recommend a romanian citizen that had/have a good biography:
I have to admit, I don't have a good memory when it comes to famous authors (I'm not even sure I could tell you more than 10 famous authors from my RL country - not great, I know) 🙂 The only one I could really think off right now is Mircea Cartarescu (I admit I had to google his name) and his Nostalgia novel. I vaguely remember we had to read it in school.

Dan/naD Wilshire alias EcoFreak

1. The best moment this month for Switzerland was when it was finally decided who the anti-pto CP candidate was going to be. In the early parts of the month there were around 4 candidates, some more reluctant than others to step down. However organised discussions between parties meant we successfully decided that Todor was going to run. The best of luck to him!

2. Switzerland will not have a congress until it has beaten out the PTO threat. With such a threat the Swiss government cannot reasonably accommodate the idea of giving Switzerland congress. As long as the governments keep giving new players a chance to engage in political life then there is not real social welfare lost through the implementation of these national defence laws.

3. In the early stages of CoT's existence it was questionable whether they would actually be of a benefit to Switzerland with the major focus being on Chile and Bulgaria. However as Cot has evolved as an alliance it has open up to more countries and has new focus on helping all of its members. CoT in its current state is of great benefit to Switzerland. Only the future can tell us if it is the best alliance for us to stick with.

4. As a sports fan I have to say Rodger Federer is one of the greatest Swiss citizens that I can think of. Not only is he phenomenal at sport, he is also a very charitable man with the Roger Federer Foundation alone he has helped thousands of disadvantaged children get into sport.

5. For Romania it has without a doubt got to be Adrian Mutu. He is a very sophisticated football player who can have a clinical finish when he finds himself in the right places. With the right team behind him Mutu can be a goal machine. You just need to build a squad around him to get the most out of him as a player.


1, The best moment? Yesterday, mecenary medal. Community moment? The election at the beginning of the month.
2, After that Cronoss will be permanently banned again.
3, In this moment surely. In the future with 3 TWO member neighbors ... we will see.
4, I am not a native Swiss, so in my mind there are only athletes now. Simona de Silvestro, Didier Cuche, Dario Cologna for example.
5, Well, rest in peace Liviu Librescu.

dromi, ambassador of Romania in Switzerland

Please ignore grammar or translation mistakes.