Always Faithful, BiH re-joins EDEN.

Day 1,749, 03:58 Published in Greece Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

We are proudly announcing that our tree of brotherhood has grown another leaf! After many conducted months in GEA, Bosnia and Herzegovina is now officially a member of EDEN! Only pleasant and friendly words can go to this nation. Even though some influences caused misunderstanding and detachment from EDEN in the recent past, Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to take a path of friendship and brotherhood. We would like to congratulate every single citizen of this proud nation and wish you a heartfelt, honest, and warm welcome.

Here is a word from Justino Figueiredo, EDEN’s SC, to all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina:

You have always been a strong and brave nation no matter what and I want you to remain steadfast. Never give up! Keep fighting and the success is guaranteed! You have a lot of friends in the leaves of EDEN and we’ll be there for you! Keep your hope alive!

It’s been almost a year and 2 months since Bosnia departed from our union but they remained committed to the alliance to which they had belonged; EDEN. Together we survived the hardest times, fought bravely on many fronts, and the culmination of everything we have done together is their official return to the nest. There is a bright future in front of us, as we travel the road to success together, we will show all who we really are and what we can achieve together. It’s time to forget the bad things in the past, forgive mistakes, cooperate, and support each other today. And last, but not the least important, face tomorrow together upbeat and proud! Victoria aut mors! EDEN!