Allies > Enemies > Allies > I forget what

Day 1,576, 08:44 Published in Bulgaria Croatia by Arrlo

I’ve been playing erepublik for a while now. I’m no first generation oldfag - no dusty old beta giant - but I have been consistently active and involved for quite a long period of time. I’ve seen players come, make their mark, go. I’ve seen accounts sold, new countries added, babybooms, the rise and fall of empires and alliances, etc etc.

Starting to lose the plot

I've also seen several countries go from enemies to friends and back to enemies again, and it is on these evolving relationships that I'd like to focus this article. What's truly fascinating about these enormous changes is how little it takes for these massive shifts in diplomacy to come about. How small the first incident can be, but how inexorable the force of change can be. Like a tiny tectonic murmur far out at sea becoming a raging tsunami, sweeping away everything in its path.

Let's take a couple of examples, starting with my country, eUK. Before my time in the game, we were allied with the countries that would go on to become EDEN, and enjoyed a stable and positive relationship with eIreland. I have no idea what our relations with Atlantis or Fortis countries were like, but we chose to change sides and joined PEACE, and went on to join Phoenix. Somewhere along the line our relations with Ireland were totally soured by idiot trolls like Tomazim and that Welsh guy, and tiresome attention whores like Edana. It really was as easy as fighting prominently in selected battles, mixing that with publishing a few offensive articles and comments, and adding a dash of RL prejudice. It took some time for the combustible mixture to explode, but for each gullible Irish idiot who retorted in kind to the trolls, two new British durps would appear to rebutt the Irish guy’s insult, and so on. I am not modest enough to deny thinking of myself as not unintelligent and as fairly socially skilled, but no amount of reason, no logical, strategic objections, no distracting alternative pursuits I could dangle in the UK population's face had the slightest long term effect on their desire for war with little Ireland.

From my personal scrapbook, Artela and me, immovable objects in the face of unstoppable forces

This rivalry, born in such an idiotic way, went on to help destroy the UK’s relationship with its alliance, Terra. The most significant change for us was the end of Uk-France friendship. For some time the UK had a fantastic friendship with France. Now that it is dead, it is tempting for some people in the UK to brush it aside as bias from me, but eFrance and the eUK went through a lot together, and had a lot of fun. Canadian invasions, phantom PTOs, even fighting the first Polish incursions into Western Europe after their departure from EDEN. #WEelite anyone? 🙂

But this couldn't stop our withdrawal from Terra and rapid alliance switch to ONE. It seemed like rivalry with Ireland was more important to UK than any friendships it had in Terra, which, to me, is a strange way to play the game, which is why I no longer want to play for eUK. The same pattern seems to be emerging with UK and Sweden at the moment, and time will tell whether they become the UK’s next best friend, and how long it lasts etc.

It was a p cool avatar tbh

Another example illustrating how these grievances start small but fast become avalanches could be my dear Brazil, in particular their historic alliance with Hungary. While eRepublik was still The Phoenix vs EDEN Show, a handful of the Hungarian horse lovers PTOed South Africa without any collusion with Brazil, in whose sphere of influence eSouth Africa had always been. In itself this wasn't a catastrophe. However, once again the weasel words of a few players and the "snowball effect" turned what should have been a strategic win (however unsavoury- I personally detest PTOs) into an alliance shattering event.

A massive butt

How the Hungarian and Brazilian governments and populations responded to this minor event shaped the course not only of their deteriorating relationship, but was also one of the major influences on the radical alliance realignment we all witnessed all those months ago.

Simple, tiny misunderstandings becoming inexorable tides of public opinion is one of the most interesting phenomena I've observed in this ridiculous study on human behaviour called eRepublik.

Armchair anthropologist. Terrible photoshopper. All-around boob.