Alabama is full of Chance. ***Updated***

Day 1,463, 22:39 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Greetings fellow eAmericans.

I'm Chance Harrison. Some of ya'll know me and some of ya'll don't. I've been away from the eUS doing my own thing only to come back to an onslaught of our eNation at the hands/bots/multies of ePoland and eSerbia. I'm not too happy about it and I'm here to help set things right. I'm not going to be a savior but someone who has what it takes to bring us back to prominence.

Not long ago I decided to join the AMP (American Military Party). Thankfully they've seen fit to anoint me as a candidate for the prestigious role of Congressman of the great state of Alabama.

You know.... the state that brought us the likes of


My qualifications are Congressman of Ireland two terms and Congressman of Canada one term. I was also Country President of Ireland for a term as well. I have many friends and hold at least some sway with the powers that be that can help us in our time of need.

My first order of business will be to attempt to lower the income tax from 25% to something a bit more manageable. If it hurts me in my campaign so be it. I won't back down from what I believe and I believe the tax is hampering us financially. If you find I'm not the best candidate so be it.

All I ask is that you give me a CHANCE.

I stand for truth, justice and the American way.

Stand with me. Click hyperlink for fun. 😃

She is. \o/

Thank you AMP!