Akcija vazzdagazzda

Day 2,056, 13:58 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania by Don Atila

Zzzzz drustvo....ajmo jednu malu akcijicu napravit za naseg vazzdagazzda koji je uletio u minus od 50k 🙁
Nasa eBiH samo ima oko 1500 igraca 😃 nek ih je od toga barem 500 aktivnih....sta nam fali da svi doniramo po barem 100 BAM-a vazzdagazzdi i znaci automatski bit ce vracen iz minus....100 * 500 = 50 000 zar nam je to tesko to je po pola golda e ako ne mozete odvojit za to i ne mozemo biti barem u tome slozni onda nismo ni za cega ne trebamo ni postojat kao drzava...kad ne mozemo spasit jednog naseg igraca kako bi onda tek nesto vece ucinili......ko god posalje sta moze da se javi slobodno i bit ce stavljen ispod na spisak.....
Link za donaciju: http: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4911242
Slozno do pobjede

Hail eBiH
Hail vazzdagazzda 😃

You have successfully donated 250 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
Ajde raja sledeci 😃

Don Milli
You have successfully donated 100 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

You have successfully donated 250 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

You have successfully donated 100 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

You have successfully donated 100 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

damir zlaTu
danas 5 goldi 😃
vazzdagazzda You have accepted 5.00 Gold from damir zlaTu.
3 hours ago

90 BAM

You have successfully donated 100 PLN. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.


You have successfully donated 100 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

You have successfully donated 0.5 Gold. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

2 gold

Arman Kadic
You have successfully donated 300 BAM. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.

Shout pls 😃