Akcija pomoći eVenecueli * KRAJ * / MNE / ENG /

Day 1,745, 15:34 Published in Montenegro Montenegro by Emperor of Doclea

Zvanično sam danas završio veliku akciju pomoći narodu eVenecuele.

Mogu vam reći da nije bilo ni malo lako, ali što je najvažnije akcija je bila pun pogodak. Dobio sam puno poruka zahvalnosti od njihovih igrača. Oduševljeni su našim gestom tako da smo napravili sjajnu stvar koja će nam koristiti u budućnosti.

Puno hvala svima koji su donirali za ovu akciju. Posebno zato što znamo da finansijska situacija nije baš sjajna. Nisam očekivao velike donacije, a bilo ih je.

Pokazali smo da možemo biti složni, i da kad smo složni možemo mnogo.


Broj građana e Venecuele koji je dobio donaciju = 183 (nisam 100% siguran jer sam sve zapisiavo na papir)

Q1 = 12592
Q2 = 6651
Q4 = 1498
Q5 = 95
Q6 = 87

Q2 = 470
Q3 = 55
Q5 = 95
Q6 = 534
Q7 = 47

Montenegro donation to Venezuelan people

Officially today I have finished the donation to eVenezuelian people.

I can tell you that this was very hard job to do, but the most important part is that the action was total success. I have received many positive messages from Venezuelan players. They were thrilled by our gest. So I can say that we have done fantastic job, and this can bring further help from both sides.

I must say big THANK YOU to all players that have donated for this action. Especially if we know that financial situation is not so good. I didn’t expected big donations, but there were some of those.

We have shown that we can be united, and when we are united we can achieve a lot.


Number of eVenezuelan players that received donation = 183 (not so sure because I kept notes on the paper)

Q1 = 12592
Q2 = 6651
Q4 = 1498
Q5 = 95
Q6 = 87

Q2 = 470
Q3 = 55
Q5 = 95
Q6 = 534
Q7 = 47

Akcija pomoći e Venecueli * KRAJ*
Link u novinama u Venecueli

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