Adjudication Requested On Summer Dolphin

Day 2,050, 19:05 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors

Dear community: kindly help Valiant Thor and I to resolve the issue of whether he must send me 1 gold.

Kind regards.

Valiant Thor:

The same slogan was used by the Communist party of USSR, just replace Paul with Stalin!


Stalin isn't running for president, so the slogan is better with "Paul". It is a pretty good slogan. Stalin would not be elected in eUSA. But, still a good slogan. Also, I think most men wore pants in the USSR. I wear pants and I think Paul wears pants. Paul also shares many other attributes with Stalin and the USSR: he enjoys the winter, tall women and the occasional bunga-bunga party (oops.. that's another country). Thor: you can 't just invent complaints about everything and hope to be persuasive.

Valiant Thor:

The comment was about the statement made by Othere, where he concludes that "Paul is the only choice for President". My reference was to compare this with communist regimes and dictatorship as it was during Stalin in the USSR. During that time ONE party had ONE candidate. The unity crap we have is somehow different: T4 parties have ONE candidate. On the other han😛 tell me ONE major political difference between any of the T4, any legislature that can be put through congress that is relevant to the gameplay and I will send you ONE gold.


get ready to send me that one gold. hoohoo !! okay here we go.
The top 4 parties are all on the same page. They don't much care about who gets to be president they just want to present a single person, almost any person. Unlike Stalin, who was not very good for the people, the top4 have always tried to select people who might do good. Paul Proteus might do a lot of good. And here is the thing. Unity isn't even involved. The community seems to like the guy so much that there isn't a credible opponent. So you see, unlike the USSR, eUSA has produced a single individual who has extremely broad popular support DESPITE the Unity thing. Which is why I think running the Unity thing is a mistake. It makes some people think that UNITY is the reason Paul gets all the endorsements.

Second point is about congress. There are tons of things congress could do if they were minded to, which would drastically affect game play. This would require a weeeee bit of ballsiness but it is possible. First on the agenda should be transparency. Lots of transparency. Keep using the forums by all means but use them well instead of poorly: improve your game play. The forums and other meta game tools are incredible force multipliers. They work best if practically nothing is secret. They work better if congress takes itself seriously as a deliberative assembly. The whole "private discussion" business is generally harmful. Open up the discussion, learn to discuss all topics of importance in the light of day, release the exceptional private discussions (of the exec and the congress) without very little delay. That way you will have an informed and intelligent populace voting based on demonstrated ability.

Valiant Thor:
But the KP of USSR loved Stalin!

Q was: tell me ONE major political difference between any of the T4 parties, any SIGNIFICANT difference? Otherwise we could merge them into ONE party right away! LOL

No valid answer, no gold!


quoting from your post, you asked for " any legislature that can be put through congress that is relevant to the gameplay and I will send you ONE gold"....... review of my answer will disclose a a valid answer. Please do not repeat the winter dolphin episode..... honour your undertakings.