About the Portuguese/Sapinard "Pact"

Day 1,946, 03:11 Published in Canada Portugal by Julio de Matos

Hey everyone, how are you doing?

I came here to ask you, as a former ePortuguese citizen and president, to not hate the portuguese because of their recent "pact" with the sapinards.

Believe me, it pains them much more than it pains you. They fought as hard as they could for a piece of land, even for a monthly congress with the help and resources avaliable for a country of its size.
Canada was a major part of their war efforts and they have not forgotten.
But wiped for almost a year with no income or means to get it, countless currency was spent in resources and mercenaries to fight long and hard. As you know, money is not infinite and if there was a choice, they would keep pressing on tirelessly. It's a fact, not a belief.

France got a better deal, that's true, but France doesn't have their numbers, their resiliency and the enjoyment the portuguese get for pissing off nations several times their size.
The fact that the "pact" was so hard on a country of that size means that Sapin knows that Portugal is between a rock and a hard place and tries to take advantage of the situation.

A similar situation presented itself months ago with brazilians acting as moderators and much better conditions.
We refused.
Why? Because a treaty between a real and virtual rival moderated by a country who conveniently switched sides to protect its bonus was an insult.
There was never no hope but there is pride. However, pride only takes us so far.

But do not mistake dear comrades: there are still a LOT of portuguese against it and as long as there's one against the idea, there will still be a resistance.

If there needs to be a judgement, judge them not only by this moment but by the sum of our experiences together.

Keep pressing on, Canada!
Against sapinard imperialism, we march!