A short summary of the Foundation and New Military unit "JWAgat"

Day 2,426, 05:40 Published in New Zealand United Kingdom by Oliver Q
Background music
"I had help.."

I'd like writeconcise but I can't. I've foundation. we help a lot players. And on this moment is all ok but we need you!!! Are you poor or you have low level it's not neccesery. When you have 1-40 level fill the form and join to foundation-we will help you become stronger.

A brief summary work foundation:

Foundation work from 30 June in Poland and of course from 06 July in NZ and other countries. From 6 July our services benefited 142 members.
In total, we distributed :
(a little diagrams)

Please remember our foundation works from 30 June. On territory Poland also we give a lot of foods and tanks.

Reviews about us in original language:


„We need more such initiatives,I hope government,private people and military unit
help you keep this foundation.”
http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8485116 - Napoleon TNT
" The Foundation is cool, meet the task, I recommend "
http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8202819 -TomRidel
"Fundacja jest super polecam KAzdemu graczowi bo bez znaczenia dla nich jest kim jestes i tak pomoga - no chyba ze . Polecam"

http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8402314 -LukasOsh

"Fundacja Green pojawiła się niedawno lecz działa prężnie, jej apolityczność i sprawność sprawia że wszyscy mają dość szybki dostęp do zaopatrzenia w momencie kiedy go najbardziej brakuje. Jedynym miernikiem dotacji jest poziom gracz dzięki czemu większa pomoc trafia do bardziej potrzebujących nie dbając o to, kto jest w jakiej partii ani jak wykorzysta przyznane mu środki. Koniec końców posłuży to rozwojowi profilu.
Pozdrawiam bakbak80."

http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8390025 -bakbak80


"Fundacja działa bardzo sprawnie. Wsparcie wydawane jest szybko i nie ma opóźnień. Warunki przyznawania wsparcia są jasne i czytelne. Dodatkową zaletą jest to, że Fundacja przeznaczona jest dla wszystkich."
http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/7775986 - Grecki.82


W pełni popieram działalność fundacji Olivera Q. Nie jestem już w grupie najmłodszych raczy, radzę sobie całkiem dobrze. Zdarzają się jednak chwilę w których muszę poprosić o pomoc. Mało jest miejsc, gdzie mogę tą pomoc uzyskać. Jednym z takich miejsc jest fundacja Olivera Q. Życzę sukcesów i powodzenia w dalszej działalności. Pozdrawiam, Fricai."

http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/7308854 -Fricai


Help is obtained by filling out a form, where you write:

• Link to profile
• Nickname from the game
• Your level
• Your country



If you have too much anything send me the excess

Also our foundation soon will be reported under the patronage of MoE in Poland
keep your fingers crossed for this initiative.

And the first presentation Military Unit JW Agat

History of the name:

The name "Agat" comes from a WWII code-name of a combat subversion unit "Agat" (short for Anti-Gestapo) of Destruction and Sabotage Command (Kedyw), subordinated to Headquarters of Home Army in Poland.

About us:

Agat was created in July in NZ, founder of this mu was Oliver Q. The Idea of this military unit was help NZ get more damage in battle and of course good fun with good community.

We offer:

• Battle Deployments
• Free supplies
• War Collage
• Chat
• Forum
• Help
• Our Uniform
• Partial reimbursement
• International company
• Notifications of important battles
• And the BEST Community in the game

Agat its international military unit, we help our allies. We create national defense,we help many and many we get satisfaction.

About supplies:
Everyday we give supplies and you can ask us to join training program.
Please don't suggest current rates, because everything can change.

0-10 kills – (1 tank q7)
11-25 – (3 tank q7, 200q1 foods)
26-49- (5 tank q7 ,300q1 foods)
50-75 (7 tank q7,400q1 foods)
75+ (7 tank q7 ,500q1 foods, 30 cc)

About Community:
Our military unit have irc channel and of course forum.
On the forum you receive access to supplies form,uniform,market and many else thing.
On Irc channel you can meet,talk with commanders and spend good time in nice atmosphere.

If you search good Military Unit with daily supplies and also with good community,interesting people.You find this in JW Agat.

Our the motto is "ULTIMA RATIO REGUM" this means,that we will choose and decide about future country. To us ,will be belonged the final argument who decides about everything.

Don't waste you time and join to us


Hands up and vote !!!