A Seasoned Wrecking?

Day 2,745, 00:06 Published in Japan Japan by PTO Investigator Ringo
And so my fellow subjects, order was restored here in our glorious Empire......said no one in the past few years.

Sup d00ds,

The past couple days saw some interesting events happening in our good ol' Empire(and allies).

~Servs getting buttrailed
~Servian hobgoblins(Informaly known as Montenegrins in their pig disgusting language) getting buttrailed
~And a ton of rage, love, and hilarity ensuing.

Here in Moriya Jinja, popcorn was successfully distributed to the members in a timely fashion to witness this utter wrecking of our Servian PTO'ers and their brethren.

Normally I would be the first to rate it 10/10 but to be honest such failure by the Servian Regime was on a scale of the likes of which have never been seen before on this eWorld. But let's be real, is this actual news? I mean time and time again this pig disgusting PTO'ing lot has proven to be absolute failures. They failed to provide proof that they weren't PTO'ers(which was absolutely obvious) when they stepped into this country, years back. They failed to PTO small political parties that called out their sham and bs stories. They fail at trolling and previously the biggest fail on their record book. The Invasion of Stronk Belgium. GG guys, GG 😉

Hell, I'm absolutely surprised that eJapan is even hanging on to the few regions it has, knowing these guys pro Diplomacy strats. Come on guys, you're giving me a popcorn shortage.


In other news, it seems that a couple PTO'ers got lost and ended up in the glorious sanctuary that is Moriya Jinja. And not only that but blinded by their massive ego's for some reason, they can't comprehend the fact that their language is not spoken in our lovely Sanctuary and thus were deemed unworthy disposable trash. When asked politely to exit the premises, these undesirables would continue to poison our ears with their filthy language and claims to land that traditionally does not belong to them(which is the Servian way).

What disappoints me more is that one of the individuals is a member of our government. The Minister of Defence' job is to protect our nation and their allies from foreign aggression but what he chooses to do is contaminate a lovely Shrine with his horrid language. The other one is Veprina, some feglord who just a few years ago tried to PTO this same party but was swiftly wrecked by the real eJapanese community and gained a spot on my list of submissive b**ches. Such a sad chapter in eJapanese history when a member of the government and his reject feglord attempts to troll small parties in an attempt to silence them. 😢

Anywho, that's all for now.
Expect more news from this glorious paper and subscribe to get it at your front door while it's hot....or not, I can care less.

Love Ri....
I mean Yours Truly
~Investigator Ringo