A message to INCI

Day 1,194, 19:18 Published in USA USA by Alex Ward

You say the military is racist? O rly?
This was enlightening:
SweetBags, eUSA forum:
"Time and time again, they have shown that they are very willing to break their word whenever they think it will benefit them. Two examples jump to min😛 their actions when dealing with congressional elections and their actions when dealing with Seal Team 6.

With congress, last month iNCi promised to only put run one candidate. They ran two, and tried to play the second one off as a newb's mistake. This month iNCi's leaders promised Harrison Richardson (executive's chief representative to iNCi) that they would only run 10 candidates for congress. On election day however, they not only ran over 30 candidates, they put significant effort into winning those races. At one point yesterday they were winning 31 races, a far cry from the 10 they promised. When all was said and done, they won 14.

During the whole 'eusforum vs military' spat, when iNCi complained that they couldn't integrate into the military, Seal Team 6 agreed to accept their members like anyone else who applied to ST6. iNCi's leadership agreed to send people over in groups of 20 so ST6 wouldn't be overwhelmed. Later that week, one of iNCi's leaders complained to the ST6 leader in charge of training new recruits that iNCi members weren't being treated as full members. The ST6 leader explained that iNCi were being treated like every recruit and that everyone, whether they're a new player or a former CP, had to go through ST6's training program, and that he had explained that to iNCi's leadership before accepting any iNCi. This was apparently not good enough for iNCi, because all of their members who joined ST6 have left.

Bradley Reala, NG CO, JCS member, eUSA forum:
"INCI refuses to work within the eUS Military guidelines. They only work in their own communes, and have shown a distinct ability to attempt to PTO as many congressional seats as they can for themselves. They are not friendly to the eUS's aims. As can be seen yesterday, they are not looking for equality, they are looking for control.

INCI was not invited to the eUSA. They have uniformly sectioned themselves off of the eUS's economic markets, and work purely at their own communes. If they want to join the eUS military, they are welcome to work in OUR communes, and follow OUR direct orders. So far even Seal Team 6 has kicked them out because they refuse to follow orders or work in communes outside their own. We do not see that changing, and we have no desire to add a new branch purely for a bunch of newbie Turks who decided to attempt a take over of the eUSA.

Will they get what they want by political means? No. Even if they control all of Congress and steal the treasury, they will still be a PTO group and will not be recognized by the eUS Military. If they want to be accepted into the eUS's culture, then they need to drop the hostility and contribute to the group.

Lies. Conflict will not achieve your goals effectively, unless you are trying to make the eWorld an interesting place BY causing conflict. In which case, stop. Political conflict is boring, instigate a war with the entire world instead. If you actually want to help us, join the group. Other wise, go back to your obscure website(kind of like this one?), please. Thank you and good day.

As a side not, I wonder how many INCI members are multis? Just a speculation...(not really) After all, cheating is illegal no matter who does it, right INCI? No matter who.