A interview with a legitimate candidate...

Day 2,305, 13:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

No seriously!

I put my little journalism hat on and decided to find a honest candidate running the PP elections in New Era, and who better than surferdude? Here's the interview that commenced....

Do you think that the party has a image problem at this time?

Yes, I think it is a Fantastic Party, but there is a lot of hate directed at it and everyone outside of New Era looks at a few people to define it.

What will you be trying to do to make the party more accepted?

Everyone in every party just needs to use common sense.

Do you think it's more outside influences which may be damaging New Era or do you think the problem is from within?

Both, I believe it all goes back to the ancient Tup/NE rivalry. Both sides have parts which they can be blamed. The problem is that the one party blinds itself to its own faults and sees the other party's faults 10x worse. I am not an official on this rivalry however, as I can't remember what the arguments have been in the past. I normally see right through them and think them trivial.

Do you agree with the official candidate system for PP elections?

I do believe that I am the official candidate, so I am not opposed to it.

Is it fair to block all other candidates just to get the one guy 'they' want in?

Can I block you? I want to win.

Any policies to look forward to with you as PP?

See my article. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/surferdude-for-new-era-pp-2382365/1/20


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