A Clear Message through the White Noise (my platform)

Day 470, 19:43 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Today and tomorrow will be days of white noise for most citizen of the eUSA, campaign article for the presidential and vice presidential candidates buzzing about like a swarm of vote-hungry locusts. It happens every month, and I, too, am not immune to irritation with campaign promises unfulfilled and partisan rhetoric. When I started my campaign, in earnest, following the congressional elections in February, I wanted to try something different, leveling with the citizens of the eUSA about my position on everything I could think of that was of interest to them as voters

So first off, let me thank all the citizens of the eUnited States of America that took the time to read the articles in which I itemized my positions, for those that did not, here is a summary:

Scrabman’s VP Running Mate…the envelope please

I was delighted to start this campaign to have Alaska Congresswoman PrincessMedyPi, former Vice President of the eUnited States of America, agree to join the ticket as my Vice Presidential candidate. I am indeed fortunate to have her as my running mate, and the eUSA is fortunate to have a public servant of her quality and caliber. If you are newer to eRepublik, I encourage you to read the following article and discover for yourself what a truly great person that she is:

What’s in a VP

With the ticket complete. I began by outlining my position on war.

Drums of War: Victory Alone

I then outlined my position on citizen participation and engagement in government.

Giving Voice to Americans

Next came the article that will define my primary focus, if elected, during my term.

A Federal Budget: Achieving YOUR Priorities

Following the invasion of, and victory over, the three northernmost provinces of Mexico, question began arising over the response of our Allies in Atlantis, for which, with my friend and current Secretary of State, Inwegen, I wrote:

The Mystery of ATLANTIS

I then moved on to outline my perspectives regarding monetary policy and import taxes.

Horton Hears a Who: Monetary Policy and Import Taxes

And, finally, I wrapped up the series with my perspectives on Income Tax and Value Added Tax (VAT) policy.

Tax Policy: The Elephant in the Revenue Stream

Now, for those of you that do not want the details but are seeking just a summarized version, I will lay it all out on the table in condensed fashion. When I am elected eUSA President on March 5th, 2009 (tomorrow):

1. PrincessMedyPi, one of the most qualified and experienced leaders in the eUnited States of America, will be your Vice President.

2. We will go to war on our schedule and at our discretion for the purpose of victory alone.

3. You will be given the opportunity to participate and engage in the government of the nation … your voice will be heard.

4. A federal budget will be established and published, with your feedback and your consent, to meet your priorities, and the government will begin living, just like you do, on a budget.

5. Our relationship with ATLANTIS will be reviewed and I will vigorously seek reformation and re-charter of our alliance, if we cannot come to terms which are appropriate for the eUSA, we will leave ATLANTIS and seek new options.

6. I will seek to normalize our currency so that the strength of the eUSA economy dictates the value of our currency rather than manipulating the currency to benefit a single sector of the economy. Additionally, I will, with the assistance of my economic team, will gather the data necessary and determine the right level of import taxes of the eUSA rather than experimenting.

7. I will propose an Income Tax and VAT structure to meet our budget, rather than simply proposing random numbers for the sake of proposing something. I prefer the consistency of Income Taxes as opposed to VAT taxes; however, lower, higher or weighted differently the goal will remain the same, the right taxes necessary to meet OUR budgeted priorities.

There you have it, don’t let the white noise over the next few days dissuade you from demanding disclosure from your Presidential candidates. Some will agree and some will not, but in this, the final summary of my platform, I have disclosed my positions and my priorities so that you, the citizens of the eUSA may make an informed choice of who will be leading the eUnited States of America as President on March 6th, 2009.

My fellow Americans, I am asking for your vote on March 5th, 2009.

Thank you,
