A Change is Gonna Come

Day 1,658, 20:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Michael Holcomb
A Time for Change

Tomorrow, eIrish Citizens will have an excellent choice. Between two towering figure in eIrish politics. The current administration has done an excellent job in shepherding our national growth and our foreign policy. And in securing what looks, thus far, to be a peace treaty that is holding. Their work has been admirable, and Ethel Rosenberg will carry on.

Yet, we have an opportunity tomorrow to elect a new government lead by Winston Hope Smith who will bring fresh ideas and new energy to the Presidency and move Ireland forward in a new and exciting direction. A direction of the middle ground, of tolerance, of healing rifts that have risen up in eIrish society.

Now credit must be given where credit is due, and the current regime has done an exemplary job running Ireland. But I can't help noting that the current government has been in office, in one for or another under several different CPs, since December 2011. In that time the ILP has worked with the government to better our nation, but time for change has come. We have done great things in the past. Winston Hope Smith himself was crucial in securing the current financial footing we find ourselves on. And was crucial in establishing the current tax regime with former CP Sweet Drinker that has proved extremely effective.

I don't advocate Ethel Rosenberg's defeat because I don't like her or I think she's incompetent, if I said those things I would be a liar. But I think we in the ILP and indeed Winston Hope Smith deserve a chance at governing.

All We Ask

As I have said in the past in my most recent succesful campaign for the Dail as a member of the ILP was that we only desire an opportunity to serve, that is all we ask. All Winston Hope Smith asks is a chance to serve as CP. He is a good eIrish citizen, a good soldier, and, in my humble opinion, an excellent ILP Party President and someone I consider to have been an excellent personal mentor of my own. I ask for your vote tomorrow for Winston Hope Smith and the ILP. Please, give him the opportunity to serve, that is all that we ask.