A Blueprint for the Future

Day 772, 01:11 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Cloud Cuckoo Land (Νεφελοκοκκυγία or Nephelokokkygia): refers to an unrealistically idealistic state where everything is perfect.

How do we make our eWorld perfect? Well we don't, it is impossible and what would be the point anyway? But here and in the future I would like to submit some simple ideas that could help to change and improve our eRepublik experience. And it won't cost a single NOK.

So first up, I'd like to talk about Raw Materials. Admin have mentioned something about 'customisation' in the eRepublik Insider but that only sounds like it deals with manufacturing. So what are they doing to change raw materials?

The big problem with Raw Materials as they stand is that only those companies producing in high (or in some case medium) regions have a chance at being profitable. And those that are are often competing with the rest of the world. My big idea here is to split raw materials up.

Grain: Previously the sole raw material for food. Well what would happen if we split it into 5 different raw materials?


High and Medium regions would be distributed just the same. Tropical countries would be good at producing fruit. North Atlantic/Pacific countries good at fish. etc.

Q1 Food just needs 1 of the 5 food groups. i.e. you only need to buy one raw material it does not matter which one.
Q2 needs 2 different types of raw.
And so on
Q5 food would need all 5 types of raw to produce.

Suddenly all those all grain companies would not be competing against the entire world, but only against other fish companies, other meat co.s etc.

At the same time I would suggest giving the effect of food a bit of a boost, say +1 health for Q1, +2.5 for Q2 up to +10 for Q5. This would offset the extra expense of collecting up the food from around the world.

Not only would this improve countries ability to compete with one another but it would also simulate the moving ticket and oil industries as those Q5 food owning orgs will have to move around a bit more to get the best prices. It is win-win for everybody!

But let's not stop there, Wood could be split too. Think about it... what goes into building a house, or a hospital?


Plus two old friends:

Plastics (That is oil)

Now Q5 constructions will need the three different types of construction materials plus oil and iron to be built. Ok, so iron probably doesn’t need the boost, but after this improvement oil would actually become important and not completely reliant on the over-stocked moving ticket industry.

That’s it for now. I’ll pick up other ideas in future issues.