A better "Media Module" [RO/EN]

Day 485, 05:43 Published in Romania Romania by MoonlightShadow

Mi-am amintit si eu cat de mult mi s-a acrit de media, si modul in care este folosita media. Orice baietel isi poate face ziar sa ne spuna cum se joaca el Warcraft, unii tin sa ne pocaiasca si sa ne prezinte Lucrarea lui Dumnezeu, iar dragii bisnitari ocupa jumatate din media, iar mai nou atat de tare se mananca intre ei, incat dupa ce le iese anuntul cu vanzarea lor de paine, hop il sterg si-l republica. Nesimtire? Spam? Neputinta?

Media este unul dintre putinele lucruri care ar trebui sa ATRAGA in acest joc, dar la cum arata..mai degraba indeamna cetatenii la sinucidere. Mi se pare doar mie sau "cineva" ar trebui sa ia masuri, sa se ocupe de aspectele astea?

Mie unuia mi-ar placea si as juca cu placere in continuare eRepublik daca media ar arata cam asa:

-dublarea 5-ului. Adica 10 stiri latest, top rated national, top rated international.

-scoaterea complet in afara legii a anunturilor de vanzari . De ce avem shout-ul ala daca nu pentru mesaje scurte "vand paine, 1 ron, PM me". Ca doar in shout nu se discuta strategii si ordine. Cum ar veni shout-ul este inutil celor care vor sa scrie mai mult de o fraza, dar in acelasi timp bisnitarii publica articole mai scurte decat literele la dispozitie in shout. Cand se ajunge ca jumatate din articole sa fie de vanzare, atunci te poti spala cu ea pe cap de media. Articole importante, cu ordinede lupta sunt ingropate in 25 de minute de articole de vanzari, iar faptul ca situatia persista este bataie de joc. Bisnitarii pot folosi shout-ul, in cel mai buncaz pot folosi comment in articole, desi e discutabil acest lucru din urma. Dupa popularizarea regulii, cine o incalca si continua sa spameze media ar trebui sa primeasca forfeit points.

-scoaterea in afara legii publicarea intr-o limba necunoscuta. In tara x publici ori in limba tarii x, ori in engleza, ori in limba y dar neaparat si-n engleza.

-Spam-ul de tot felul trebuie controlat MULT MAI DES. Degeaba un articol spam care prezinta moda este sters dupa 8 ore, articolul cu ordinul de lupta oricum a fost ingropat de el. Ok, cel care a facut spam a invatat sa nu mai faca (poate).Asa, si? S-a invatat ala minte, dar zilnic se nasc cetateni, zilnic se nasc spam-eri.

-retragearea dreptului de vot pe articole pentru organizatii. Aici este un non-sens cras: o organizatie nu poate vota politic pe motiv ca organizatia este detinuta de un cetatean, care cetatean poate sa aiba 30 de organizatii si sa influenteze alegerile politice in tara. Asa, si? Care-i diferenta la articole? Nu tot la fel un cetatean poate sa aiba 30 de organizatii si sa popularizeze fals un articol? Asta chiar ma depaseste, nu gasesc niciun motiv pentru care o organizatie care costa 5 gold amarati poate vota un articol.Probabil in Republica sunt mai multe organizatii decat cetateni (eu unul am 5 organizatii, si am 6 luni, altii mai vechi au mult mai multe), deci, chiar e non-sens.

-votul negativ. S-a argumentat ca nu se poate implementa votul negativ fiindcam, ironic, cineva cu multe organizatii, sau grup de cetateni cu multe organizatii, pot "ingropa" un articol oarecare. Ironic,protejam mediul politic de votul de pe org-uri, dar recunoastem ce influenta negativa au org-urile in media. Si totusi le lasam capacitatea de votare. Daca articole ar fi votate DOAR DE CETATENI REALI, atunci chiar nu vad nicio problema ca articolele sa fie votate negativ, si sa aiba unele + 60 de voturi, altele -100 voturi. Dar fiindca org-urile pot vota, un prim pas ar putea fi implementarea votului negativ, dar FARA EFECTE asupra votului pozitiv. Adica, presupunand ca un articol a primit 50 voturi cu "+" si 70 voturi cu" -", el sa apara cu 50 de voturi, dar sa fie trecut acolo si numarul de voturi negative. Macar ca reparatie morala,asa..

Eu unul chiar m-am saturat..toti cetatenii normali sunt de acord ca este dincolo de orice nesimtire ce se intampla, cu spam-ul, cu avalansa de bisnitari, am vazut si cateva articole care au luptat impotriva spam-ului. Chiar asa, nu ne baga nimeni in seama? 😐


I`m reading some articles and I remember how sick and tired I am about the “media” module. Every little boy can create a newspaper and tell us how he`s playing Warcraft, others want us to return our face toward the True God, and traders occupied half of the media. Lately the competition it`s so ferocious that black-market traders re-publish their selling articles as soon as they`re out of “latest five”.

Media should be one of the things which ATTRACTS people, but the way it looks now rather pushes citizens toward suicide. Is it only me, or “someone” should take care of these problems?

I would love and play eRepublik happily if media would look this way:

-double the "5". I would like 10 latest news, 10 national top rated, 10 international top rated, on the main page.

-publishing selling articles in newspaper should be against the law. Why the hell do we have shout box? Not for such 4 words announcements “I sell 5 foods”? We don`t discuss strategies in shouts, but in articles. When half of the articles belong to traders of one kind or another, then you can screw the so-called “media module”. Important articles, like orders to fight, are “buried” in terms of 30 minutes by Spam and traders. They should use shout box, not publishing 5 words articles “i`m selling my cat, my mother, and a q1 weapon, PM me for price”. Also they could use comments in other articles, but no way publish over and over again their damn selling spam.

- publishing in an unknown language should be against the law. If you publish in country X, either you publish in X country`s language, either you publish in English, either in language Y but doubled by English or country`s X language. This is hard, but in a way or another there must be shown some respect for the thousands of citizens that don`t understand one`s word written in their own country. Maybe the media seection should be individually for each country, no matter if a country it`s conquered? That would need citizenship implemented..

-Spam, all kind of it, should be moderated much often. It`s useless to delete a spam article 8 hours later. The article of MoD with fight orders, was buried anyway.Ok, the spammer learned his lesson, won`t do it again (maybe). Yeah, so? New citizenz get born every day, new spammers born every day.

-No voting of articles by organizations. This really is a non-sense. An organization can`t place a political vote because a citizen can own let`s say 30 orgs, hence influence elections results. So? What`s the difference when it comes to media? Same citizen can boost up a article, the same way, influence the “reality” . I just can`t understand that, I see no reason that an org, costing only 5 gold, can vote articles. Probably there are more orgs in eWorld than real citizen ( I`m owning 5, and i`m just 6 months old), this is just non-sens. Few friends can join their voting power and bring an article like “let`s get out of Atlantis” to 100 votes, which resembles the wish of just a few.

-negative vote. Ironical, it was argued that negative vote can`t be implemented, because a group of interests can join votes force and “burry” an article. Funny, it`s ok the same group of interest to do the opposite . If articles would be voted ONLY BY REAL CITIZENS AND NOT BY ORGANIZATIONS, than I see no reason why negative vote can`t be implemented. If 100 citizens vote “+” and 140 vote “-” then the article shiuld be rated “-40” votes. Clean, easy and fair. But because orgs can vote, a first step could be the implementation of negative vote, but with no effects over the rating. Just to be there, a negative number, a moral reparation, just some thumbs down.