Re-elect Senator Newt Gingrich!

Day 702, 13:31 Published in Australia Australia by Newt Gingrich

People of Queenslan😛

I, Newt Gingrich, am running for a 6th term in the senate in Queensland. For those who do not know me I am currently serving my 5th term in the senate as well as serving as Minister of Immigration, Customs & Security. I have also held the positions of Australian National Party President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Speaker of the Senate. I am also a member of the ACUK.

Over these past 5 months I have stuck to my principles of conservative values. I have not supported any tax increases and will hope to lower taxes soon when we make up the money that the government has lost. I will continue to support business owners and those who have hopes to make themselves out of nothing.

As for the issue of Western Australia; I, like everyone else, would love to see eAustralia as one whole country, but I realize first off that getting WA back will be a long long process. I also realize that we currently cannot afford to take on all the companies WA has; it will kill our economy and we cannot buy out all of the companies yet. We cannot just forcefully take it back and should not. As always the diplomatic route is the best. Risking what we have gained over the past several months would be a mistake.

I hope on election day you will remember me as a Senator who is working for you and has continued to work for you. I am an active Senator and not looking for the 5 gold award, I could care less about it. What I care about is making eAustralia better and that is what I will continue to strive for. So, on election day remember to Vote Newt Gingrich of the ANP!


Newt Gingrich
Citizen 1st, Senator 2nd