Tuukka_Almighty congress canditate of TPS

Day 700, 07:30 Published in Singapore Finland by TuukkaAlmighty
Who does your work for you? Who stays awake while you sleep? Who wants to give everything he can give to Singapore? The one who found his new home from this small but comfy eNation. He is Tuukka_Almighty.

Hello dear comrades! I’d like to inform that I will be candidate as congressman in upcoming elections. I have been four times as a congressman in Finland and numerous times as a party president. I’m destined to give my experience, my free time and my strength to my new homeland. ( you can read my full history from here )

Taxes should be enough high to pay citizen fee, to keep army running and keep citizens happy and entertained. So I have nothing against the current taxing policy. But I wouldn’t raise them anymore.

About keeping citizens happy and entertained. Arbryn accepted Potaatti’s proposition about founding new Ministry of Lulz. I would aim to develop this new ministry even further. This ministry should aim to keep citizens of Singapore happy and entertained with government funded games and tournaments of any kind.

I think that current Citizen fee is too low. With this small birth rate as now it’s possible to maintain 10sgd citizen fee. I also would encourage new citizens to register them self to forum with providing them 10 sgd more. So 20sgd to citizens that register themselves to forums. This might sound like a large amount of money, but even if there'll be 100 new citizens per week it is very unlikely that even 50% of them register to forums. And those possible active citizens have more money so they have better chances to buy Q1 house for a start.

If you give your vote for me, you will give a vote for a man who is active and destined to carry out given orders. I’m trustworthy man who stands behind his words and won’t give up easily!

Despite my unhappy avatar, I’m outgoing and relaxed type. 😉