The Next President of the Republic of Austria

Day 681, 10:53 Published in Austria Austria by Travis James

Dear Austrians,

We are seldom given the opportunity to begin anew, which is why it is important to do so when the opportunity presents itself. Change in and of itself is not always for the best, however, when the status quo is clearly leading to stagnation, it becomes time to weigh other options.

Austria is currently at a very important crossroads in its development. On the one hand, we have the path that we have been traveling upon since the end of the Austro-German Union and the rebirth of an independent Austria. On the other hand, we have the proverbial "path less traveled". A road which will take Austria to new places and to greater heights. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with our current path, it is not stimulating the country or helping to significantly grow our population. A new path will give Austria and Austrians the chance to start over, not in the sense that we will abandon everything that we have thus far achieved, merely in the sense that we will strive for a new era of international cooperation and national growth.

I know that I am not alone in applauding the efforts of our past presidents, Lynari and Metallon, who are both extraordinary men. They have given to this nation in ways that many people can hardly even begin to imagine. It was they who lead the revitalization of this nation and lead the way for our final re-unification.

However, the circumstances have changed, Austria is no longer struggling to recapture lost lands or fight against the oppression of our neighbors. What Austria needs now is someone to heal her; create jobs, build industry and grow the population. It is now time for Austria to boldly step into the future. The time for petty political infighting and inflammatory remarks is over. What we need is a leader who can unify us and help us to surmount the great challenges that lay ahead of us and lead us to a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.

I do not pretend that Austria will achieve the sort of unity attributed to a one-party state, as well it shouldn't. What I hope to see is an Austria of diverse political ideologies that is locked together by our common love of country. Political discussion and disagreement are vital to the survival and growth of any democracy, however, disagreement and discussion must take place in a way that is both civil and productive. Resorting to mudslinging and insults does nothing to further the growth of the nation or to foster the creation of ideas.

Therefore, I am calling upon all of you, my fellow countrymen, to go to the polls and vote. Not based upon partisan politics, but upon the issues that really count. Don't let the empty rhetoric of candidates sway your decisions. Step up proudly and vote with an eye to the future that we can build together, a future of prosperity, a future of peace and a future of national growth. When you go to the polls I urge that you vote Rangeley for president of Austria, not because of the party that he represents, but because of the ideas that he represents.

I thank you all for your time.

Forever in Your Service,

Travis James (ÖIP Party President)