Macedonians in Russian Army

Day 667, 13:55 Published in Russia Japan by Macedonian_Lion

History repeats when we are talking about forming a Macedonian Regiment in the Russian Army. In Real Life history there was a Macedonian Regiment in Russian Army,

On May 10, 1759, the Macedonian polevoy hussar regiment was founded, composed
primarily of Macedonians, preceded by similar Serbian, Greek and Bulgarian
regiments. The regiment had its own flag and its own coat of arms.

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Today back in the eWorld in eRussia a eMacedonian Regiment is beeig formed. A Macedonian Regiment that will be similar to this historical Macedonian Regiment in the Russian army.

A Macedonian Regiment called Macedonian Phalanx is formed to take back the place of its own Real Life Macedonian Phalanx but now in the eWorld. To march among Allies and fight agains Enemies. To march among Russian friends for freedom and taking what belong to Macedonia and Macedonians.

I appel to all Macedonians in the eWorl😛

Join the Macedonian Phalanx, we are expecting you

Long Live Macedonia
Long Live Russia
Long Live our friendship