Observations on the French Peace Negotiations

Day 659, 22:01 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
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Observations on the French Peace Negotiations

*disclaimer: these are not facts, but opinions and observations. Well, the opinions and observations of an extremely informed source but still. I'm not saying any of these things are correct, just that I think they are.

1. The French Administration is sincere in their desire for peace.
In contrast to the previous administrations’ “take it or leave it” hardline approach to peace, the new administration seems much more interested. Even their Minister of Finance, by his own admission no fan of peace, could still the potential in ending French war involvement. It was a complete attitude change, and I felt very good about that.

2. Reparations will likely not be necessary to close the war.
Another contrast to the previous administration, the notion of ending the war without tribute seems to be a much more likely scenario. The major stumbling block now is appeasing the French Congress, which is much more bellicose.

3. Baubles and trinkets
The French administration needs something shiny to give to their Congress to make this work. We’ve thrown a few bones (which really, we were more than happy to throw) but it remains to be seen if that will be enough.

Of those baubles and trinkets, two interesting conditions came out. I stress that these are not final conditions nor even conditions that were formally presented, just ideas that were bandied about.

a) Canada loans France gold

France lost thousands of gold gaining and losing an empire, and now have to contend with 10,000 new players on top of an economy built for 4k. Their need for gold is understandable, and the concept of Canada loaning France gold is a great way to begin a friendship.

b) Canada provides income tax rebates to French land companies operating in Canada

This is a fair bit more complicated an idea, and it remains to be seen if an equitable way of doing this could even be contractually implemented. Basically the jist of the idea is that we provide tax rebates to the French government for French companies that employ Canadian land workers. On the surface, it certainly looks like something the French Congress could sink its teeth into, its certainly a good thing for French business. But let’s peer a bit deeper.

What would this mean? It would mean that Canada would be bringing in more investment into our land industries (rea😛 diamonds, France has no need for anything else) which would mean a more competitive labor pool which would mean higher wages for Canadians. For an extremely limited cost, France would be investing in Canada and increasing our economic ties, making any future conflict prohibitively expensive.

The most difficult aspect of this deal would be in its implementation, which on the face of it would require consistent cooperation between the French and Canadian Finance ministries (something the Canadian Congress has rightly pointed out) and a fairly good script to compile data automatically (something the French MoF has pointed out).

Now, I’d like to make two interesting points about this sort of condition.

1. I really like this concept, if its feasible to execute. In fact, reciprocal agreements between Canada and her other allies I would find really helpful in deepening our economic relations and increasing resource production efficiency. Having Canada be the one stop shop for France, EDEN, the US, etc for diamonds would have a tremendous impact on the Canadian economy.

2. By allowing France preferential access to our land base resources we make it easier for them to wean themselves of PEACE economic dependency.

This leads me to my last point:

4. We are in this for the same reason.

Let’s not kid ourselves. Canada doesn’t “need” to end the war. France doesn’t “need” to end the war. It might be nice for our companies with French licenses to sell to France again, it might be nice for our border to be completely secure, but since neither side has activated MPPs and neither side wishes to risk activated MPPs we could both continue living with this open war without major fear that one would attack the other unless one country is forced to “carry the idiot ball.”

So why do I want this, and why do I think the French Administration wants this? Because France is tired of PEACE and Canada is tired of France in PEACE. Peace with Canada, economic ties with Canada, all lead to making the road out of peace easier for France. We are the gateway for them to EDEN, and if they feel they can count on our good faith to have their back if they go indie (both on the map and in EDEN) we are making the choice that much simpler to make.

If we continue to be stubborn, obstinate, and have an open war, France would be completely insane to leave the alliance that keeps us from having our revenge.

I’ll leave with one final observation.

France was promised the riches of the sea and earth, a new Francophone Union and the resources of two countries by its erstwhile allies. Subsequently, all of these promises evaporated into thin air and they lost everything they had going for them. Now a new administration, dealing with the problems inherent to a massive babyboom and the legacy of failure of the old administration need to find a way to restore French pride and French security. For thousands of gold spent, and a bankrupted nation now cast as a villain in half the word, the French administration wants to be able to hold its head up high to its Congress and People to score something out of this clusterduck. (yes, clusterduck).

And we, in Canada have to make a choice.

We can help France, because that’s what they’re really asking us to do…..

….or not.