Prime Minister's Report (Term 4, Week 1)

Day 659, 02:03 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Prime Minister’s Report

Good evening my friends,

I have taken great pride in the principles of accountability and transparency. Unfortunately, first because of COBRA and then because of the war, much of our time and effort was directed towards obfuscation and concealment. It is my hope, as we enter the final act of World War III, that we can once again begin the process of placing accountability on the same level as expediency. In tune with that, I would like to report to the country what we have done so far in this fourth term.

1. EDEN // Brolliance

To begin, I am very pleased to report that after high level negotiations and a Congressional vote, Canada has decided to join the Erepublik Defense and Economic Network, or the brotherhood of EDEN. It has been no question that Canada exists on the map today because of the efforts and sacrifices of EDEN members. There has been no question to that our military and economic cooperation has been considered to be tantamount to the long term survival of Canada. While joining an alliance is always a somber process because of the contractual independence that is given up in exchange for collective security, Congress and my administration have overwhelmingly decided that joining EDEN was a bargain for Canada.

Some American subscribers and viewers may wonder about the future of the American/Canadian relationship. President Emerick and I have been working to provide a fitting way to formalize our alliance. We believe we have found such a way, and will be posting and signing our “Brolliance” shortly.

2. Canadian Rangers

One of the major initiatives of this government will be the emphasis we have on brinigng in newer players to the Canadian cultural fold. One of those ways will be the Canadian Rangers. Spearheaded by William Duncan, the Rangers will be a way for Canadians to become involved in military life and responsibilities and privileges without meeting the strict requirements of the regular armed forces. The Rangers will be organized in a parallel fashion for supply as the Regulars, but will not get as much funding for supplies. The Government is hoping to have the Rangers up and running by the end of next weekend. If you would like to get involved with this program, please message Wiliam Duncan.

3. National Lottery

I am also happy to announce that starting this afternoon, eCanadians everywhere will be able to participate in the Great Canadian Weekly Wonderful Sweepstakes! Administered by the Minister of National Revenue, the Sweepstakes will occur every Sunday evening, with three numbers drawn by the Prime Minister, Speaker, and CAF General. To play, simply donate 0.25 gold per ticket you wish to purchase. For every ticket you buy, message the Canadian Lottery Corporation with three numbers between 1 – 6. 50% of the proceeds will go to the winner (or winners) who choose the correct numbers and correct order. 25% will go to the next jackpot and 25% to Revenue Canada. Stay tuned to the Canadian Lottery Corporation newspaper, “The eCanadian Sweepstakes” for more details!

4. Discussions with Iran and France

As the war draws to a close, the long term strategy of the war starts to turn from winning the war to winning the peace. To that end, we have begun discussions with Iran and are awaiting the decisions of the Congress of France. In regards to France, we are cautiously optimistic at signing a non-aggression pact which will solidify Canadian borders and begin the process of rebuilding the Franco-Canadian relationship. I will be able to give you more news, as more details become available. Unfortunately, discussions with Iran have not been as fruitful. While there is good will on both sides, there is an impasse concerning the cost of handing back our northern territories. It is my hope that we can eventually resolve this impasse to have our Northern territories returned as speedily as possible.

5. Victory Bonds

It has become the opinion of the Government that the time has come to start the process of maturation for Canadian Victory Bonds. These bond holders have been done an excellent service in investing in Canada and it has come time for the first of them to receive their dividend. We will be releasing 8000 CAD in matured bonds this week, on a first come first serve basis. Thank you again, for helping Canada in her time of need!

6. Ministry of Education

Finally, I’d like to salute the efforts of my Minister of Education, Booleus, who has taken to his job with gusto. Booleus has taken on the onerous task of compiling a new players guide, and has in my opinion, succeeded wonderfully. The guide, which can be found here in English and French, will serve as an introduction for new players, and will be communicated through the forums, through the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Communication, and through private messaging of the newer players of Canada by Booleus and his Deputy, Nicktheh. I believe that this sort of attention to bringing in newer players will result in great dividends for Canada down the road.

That concludes this update from the Prime Minister’s Office. Interview requests, comments, questions and concerns can be directed to me. I will make every attempt to answer each message in the order they come in.

Until my next report,

Have a good day, and Long Live Canada!

John “Jacobi” Carpenter
Prime Minister of Canada