Resignation as Minister of Foreign Affairs

Day 652, 09:02 Published in South Africa South Africa by Jan Olivier

Dear South African citizens. It is with great sorrow that I have to announce my resignation from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. My Real Life commitments are of such nature that I simply do not have the time to carry out the duties and responsibilities of MOFA.

I believe that when one is appointed as a Cabinet Minister, the time to do the job is as important as the skills, and I certainly do not want the title, if I can't do the job that goes with it. I believe eSA deserves a MOFA who will have both the skills and the time.

I will still be part of eSA, and still contribute where I can to build up the country. If I have more time to my disposal in future, and if asked, I would gladly serve in a Government position again.

I would like to thank Ines Schumacher and Steven Bosch for the confidence in me and I would like to thank all my many friends for the support.