Vote PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition for Congress!

Day 612, 16:54 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

My people,

I have a grand announcement!

For the first time in history, four parties in the Philippines have banded together behind one banner: the PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition... for a united Philippines!

I proudly present you with the list of the official candidates of the PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition. Four party presidents have jointly and carefully crafted and agreed upon this list to make it as truly representative of the Filipino people as is eHumanly possible.

Behold, the list...

July 25 Congress Elections Official Coalition Candidates List


1. EZEX Lacroa (presentation) - CPP Party President
2. Reclusive Monkey (presentation) - Former Congress Member
3. kadayao - Congress Member
4. Gabriela Fajardo (presentation) - Congress Member
5. Thurston_Mc - Congress Member
6. Rameses - Congress Member
7. Nick Appleton - The National Chronicle
8. Arya Stark - Congress Member
9. Enitsirk143 - Former Congress Member
10. justinm - Former Congress Member


1. Prince Terence - PFF Party President
2. Bestie101 (presentation) - Director of Home Affairs
3. Saladin23 - Director of Defense
4. Slothen (presentation) - National Intelligence Coordinating Agency Deputy Director-General
5. Ryo E - Former Congress Member
6. Juan de Minda (presentation) - National Museum Curator
7. Lord_Kira (presentation) - Philippine NoKor expedition leader
8. Joshjoson - Former Congress Member
9. Awul (presentation) - Former Congress Member
10. Marxel - Level 16


1. Nikko_33 - KMP Party President
2. Nina Ayu - Former Congress Member
3. hoskin (presentation) - Director of Foreign Affairs
4. TapouT (presentation) - Level 12
5. Hades23 (presentation) - The Power Nine
6. Ignite - Former Congress Member
7. Anti-Beelzebub (presentation) - Serah's Conch
8. Xedric - Level 15
9. rara23 - Level 13
10. V i n e - Level 14


1. Ariel David Buena (presentation) - FPM Party President
2. Divinitywolf (presentation) - National Intelligence Coordinating Agency Director-General
3. Mr. Dimagiba 2.0 (presentation) - Director of Education
4. Keitarour - Former Director of Home Affairs
5. purge0809 - The Herald's Guitar
6. jayranz - Congress Member
7. Lenin Kosovo (presentation) - Congress Member
8. Teito_Klein - Level 17
9. Aurum Draconis - Level 15
10. whothefckisthat - Former Congress Member

Not on the List?

The four party presidents behind the Coalition have taken great care and gone through great pains in creating this list. As much as we would like to include all our parties' official candidates, eRepublik's game mechanics (i.e. the 40-member Congress limit) simply does not permit it. So, blame admin, not us. XD

While we regret having to make the painful decision of disenfranchising some of our candidates, it is our duty as party presidents to make sacrifices and set aside partisan politics when we are called to rise to the occasion.

If you are an official candidate of the PFF, FPM, KMP or CPP, and would like to be included in this list, please contact your respective party president ASAP.


If your name is on this list, you are in great danger of being voted into Congress. Nonetheless, this is an election and anything can happen. We cannot guarantee anyone a seat in Congress.

However, each party president will act as the "campaign manager" for the region that he is running in, and will try his best to get official Coalition candidates running in said region elected. Please contact your respective "campaign manager" or party president for the status of your candidacy during elections.

Attention: Party Presidents

If you have any concerns about the list or would like to make alterations, please contact me ASAP.

Support the Coalition!

The PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition is an alliance of four parties that are working together to ensure that a united, pro-Filipino July 25 Congress is elected. Please vote this article.

Please vote and support the official candidates of the Coalition for a united Philippines!


Ariel David Buena
FPM Party President

25th JULY 2009: VOTE PFF-FPM-KMP-CPP Coalition

-[Campaign] Vote for the Philippines for the Filipinos
-Vote Team FPM for Congress July 25

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July 25, 2009