True Friends

Day 606, 03:32 Published in Australia Australia by Captain Briggs

They're friends with everyone close to us.
Friends with the only people who could ever threaten us.
Friends with the most powerful countries in the world, and many of the weaker.
Friends with nations who lost their land, only to get it back.
Friends with with countries who suffered under ATLANTIS, and even under their own alliance - PEACE.
Friends to all our enemies, and friends to all our friends.
Friends to the UK, to Indonesia, and to Brazil. To Hungary, Argentina, France, and even small Japan. Mexico, another.
Friends to countries from across the globe, not just near to them.
Friends with not just the strongest, but friends to all who want them.

What of Fortis? What of the USA and it's ilk?
Friends with no-one far away, only those who near.
Friends who value power over all.
Friends who think that the weakest are there for their pleasure, and don't deserve to stay.
Friends who think that people, as large or really small, can be abused and terrorised, for simple resources and no more.
Friends who think that all decisions should be made by just a few, who share no spoils and keep all that come their way.

Which of these would be suit you best, for a long-term friendly pact? Those who value our membership, or those who think we lack?

Why hold grudges against those next to us, who want to make up for the past?

Why not realise what could be yours, sitting straight in front, a PEACEful, friendly, exciting place, where all enjoy their time? Why dwell on things that may not happen, not in one month, one year, or ten? Why sit on the fence during time of war, passive in defeat. It's lose-lose either way it goes, after all.

So get our there and do your bit, we could be that push they need. Support the side you know is best, the ones who truly care.

I stand here in Australia, my home country of birth, looking not at the past conflicts, but at the future far ahead. I say support your friends, care for them and cherish, all the time that you will have, and then we start to flourish.

Join the conflict, do your bit, don't sit back in disrespect. The answer could not be clearer, the values no right or pure. The experience gained from all these wars, for citizens new and old, the economy and all the rightful gains, the cherry that sits on top. For the greatest thing to come from this, the greatest thing for all, is the friendly bonds that we will gain, and the right to say, 'I bloody well gave it my all'.
~Captain Briggs

I know my words don't mean much to a lot of people, but I hope in some way I can help lead this country to a greater cause.