Bruno for President

Day 579, 14:22 Published in USA South Africa by Ajay Bruno

My fellow eAmericans,

While I am still completely focused on the task at hand, winning this election in Colorado and representing the people of this great state, I feel compelled to throw my hat into the ring to seek the nomination of my party for the Presidency of this great country. As many of you know, I had started the Draft Bastion campaign, but unfortunately he has decided against making a serious run. I feel that we do not have a strong enough candidate to represent our Conservative values and principles in this primary.

In the field of candidates that the primary voters have to choose from, I feel strongly that I have the abilities and the leadership qualities to lead our party to a victory in July and to a successful Presidential administration. I would like to ask for your vote to prove my worth in these regards and to grant me the honor of serving you the people as your next President. With your help, my friends, we will make this country the undisputed economic, military, and political superpower in all of eRepublik. I am the right man for this job and I will do whatever it takes to accomplish these objectives.

I have extensive political experience in real life, working for the Sam Brownback and Mitt Romney Presidential campaigns, serving as an election Challenger for the Congressional Campaign of Chris Myers in a very close race last year, among my political science background and other experiences in the political sphere. This, coupled with my vibrant activity in eRepublik would make me a candidate that I believe you should consider supporting in this primary.



I believe in the principles of Capitalism. As your President, I will oppose all attempts to raise your taxes. eAmericans are already overtaxed and the government must make due with the finances that it has already. Under my plan, we will lower income taxes from 20 to 15% while compensating for this in increased import taxes to encourage the American economy to grow. I will take any opportunity to relieve the tax burden of citizens income taxes and individual product taxes whenever possible. All eAmericans will see tax savings. Furthermore, I support free and open trading with nations that are our friends and allies as I believe this allows a competitive market and lower prices for our citizens. However, I will oppose any and all efforts to establish trade with nations that would due us harm. My economic proposal would encourage friendly commerce while discouraging hostile involvement in our economic affairs.


We must continue to build up our military. The great failure we suffered in the Russian campaign during our brief and unsuccessful occupation of East Siberia is the most notable example of this. We can only rely on ourselves to defend our borders and expand our influence and I will continue to push for more funds and more resources to be dedicated to our military forces. I will protect our gold reserves and provide greater cohesiveness to our military. We must improve our defense systems in border states as well as increase the overall strength of all our citizens by getting as many people involved and active in the military as we can. At the moment, we are ranked an abysmal 32nd in overall military. I will move us substantially up the list and make America stronger. We need a more aggressive and assertive military.

Foreign Policy-

With the collapse of ATLANTIS, we see the dangers that PEACE poses to the civilized world. I propose forming a new alliance of like-minded, free nations, but one where, unlike ATLANTIS, American sovereignty is not infringed upon. We must unite with our true friends and allies in eRepublik in order to guarantee our national security and to maintain a vital balance of power in these volatile times. I will push for the establishment of such an alliance where America will take a leading role. It is vital that we establish ourselves as a superpower and the shining beacon of hope and liberty throughout the eWorld.

This is only my initial platform. Stay tuned for more updates as the campaign progresses. Please contact me if you need help locating the Conservative ballot. The link can be found on our private forums as well.

God Bless You. God Bless eAmerica.

Ajay Bruno

Principled. Conservative. Leadership.

Bruno for President