Are you a Furry?

Day 576, 18:47 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Pierric Bross

Want to join the Furry Party?

Want to be proud of your choices?

Come to Furrystan!

All Furries wishing to come to Furrystan (Punjab, Pakistan), message me and I will donate you a starter pack containing;

1 Q1 moving ticket
20 PKR ~~ enough to survive while looking for a job

Upon Arriving don't forget to join the Furry Party, and don't forget to sign up on the forums! You can sign up to the forum without even being a member of the Furry Party! All people are welcome!

Don't want to join straight away? Feel like there isn't enough opportunity in pakistan? Wait until a couple days before the next elections before joining, and come in - a congress seat could be awaiting you if we get enough Furries. :3

Make FURRYSTAN a reality! Support the Furry Party!

Pro Humanus!
Pro Bestia!

For Human!
For Animal!