
Day 511, 20:54 Published in Japan Japan by Oraizan

Well the title is pretty much false. Read everything before you decide to criticize.

In a nutshell?
A group of us (Congress and non-congress) got together and decided to have a little joke. I must say, it has actually done good and bad.

The whole point was to appoint the person Hizumi hates the most as Empress/ Emperor. One, it is a good way to test Hizumi's intentions (which were proven harmful to Japan). As well as get a pretty good laugh in the progress. I have to admit, Hizumi acted worse then all of us thought.

Second, it was a good trial run. So far we have proven that Japan cannot have an Emperor/Empress without crumbling. While there are people who supported me, there are others who went "over-the-top" and hurt eJapan because of it.

Third. Well many of you know my goals (assuming you read my articles) and know that I have been personally trying to get the media and citizens more active. This has definitely achieved that. I have never seen eJapan so active all at one time. This proves that we need something to get eJapan going more actively, something that can keep the users as interested as a huge crisis.

I understand why many of you have been upset over the situation, and I can say this because I have personally spoken with a few people privately about it.

I apologize if you felt out of the loop, and as if Akki was doing something without Approval. To be honest Akki was the most skeptical, and I believe only agreed because he did not see how a fake Empress could harm eJapan.

I ask if you decide to blame anybody to hold off on Akki. I have no problem taking 100% of the blame, since it was my face and I could have said no.

Sincerely I apologize for the confusion and the trouble/anger many of you against this issue have felt. I would never try to hurt eJapan and its citizens personally.

I do ask though that you respect this as a harmless joke-as it was.

The best thing about this is that we have learned a lot about our fellow citizens. Because of this mess many people have exposed their true-self and feelings. Some disappointing some refreshing. I have personally realized who trusts me as a citizen and respects my opinion, and I am glad of this.

We were not expecting a resistance for the whole issue, and I would like to point out that the war is completely Angrr's doing, going against the vote of congress and eKorea government wishes.
