Back from fighting in Finland, joined the South African Party.

Day 509, 21:23 Published in South Africa Pakistan by Pierric Bross

Hello all.

You may recognise me for my time on the erepublik forums, or my five consecutive terms as congressman representing Free State and the BlackLionFront.

Since the South African Party got started, I admired the activity it presented, it wasn't too much (which would signal one of those here one day gone the next parties), it seemed to be just the right amount.

The views it presents are also more inline with the views I hold myself (being centre-right and all), which made it even more appealing for me to join.

I am extremely active within erepublik and have fought for the betterment of this country for the entire 9 months here and onwards, and I hope all members of the South African Party accept me as one of their own.

Thank you everyone for reading this. Vote, but you may as well not subscribe!