Wedding Transcript

Day 424, 20:19 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

For those of you who could not attend the wedding, I have copied and pasted the log for you 😃

[20:00] * Justinious smiles
[20:01] {@Special_Bot} eMynz & eWimminz, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of Vice President of the United States of America PrincessMedyPi and President of the United States of America Justinous McWalburgson III.
[20:01] {@Special_Bot} If there is anyone here who objects to this union, too bad. You can't have her.
[20:01] {@Special_Bot} I now turn the floor over to Ms. MedyPi for the recitation of her vows.
[20:01] {@PrincessMedyPi} Justin, you have been my accomplice, best friend, confidant, playmate, and greatest challenge.
[20:01] {@PrincessMedyPi} Through sorrow and success, I pledge my undying allegiance to you as I walk by your side down this road we have chosen to travel together.
[20:02] {@PrincessMedyPi} I will continue to encourage and support your dreams, as I have since our journey began together.
[20:02] {@PrincessMedyPi} For all of your grammatical errors and airheaded fails, you have filled our seemingly endless nights with unquantifiable amounts of laughter and pleasure.
[20:02] {@PrincessMedyPi} I enter this marriage with you knowing that the true magic of our relationship lies in our ability to successfully navigate the obstacles that are put before us and fully experiencing what this world has to offer with our sense of humor still intact.
[20:02] {@PrincessMedyPi} When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone.
[20:02] * Special_Bot sheds a tear. He then clears his poor little robot throat and regains his composure.
[20:03] {@Special_Bot} What say you, Mr. President?
[20:03] {@Justinious} Melody, you have been there even when no one else has, as my best friend, my buddy, and security.
[20:03] {@Justinious} Through triumph of fail[ure], I swear my commitment to you as we continue together in this elife.
[20:03] {@Justinious} I will always support and cherish you ideals, and welcome every new one.
[20:03] {@Justinious} For everything we have been through, and everything we have accomplished. I know they would not be possible if it wasn't for you.
[20:03] {@Justinious} As we enter this marriage together I know that we will remain strong in all things as we work together, encouraging each other in every circumstance, and turning our flaws into strengths. No matter what we face, I promise to be there and help you because we can do so much more together than we could ever do alone.
[20:04] {@Special_Bot} And now for the exchanging of the rings.
[20:04] * PrincessMedyPi grabs Justin's ring from Benn
[20:04] {@Special_Bot} Do you, MedyPi, take thee Justinious, to own and to PM from this day forward, in win and in fail, in wealth and in poverty, at 100% wellness and near death, to love and to lust for; from this day forward, until citizen death do you part?
[20:04] {@PrincessMedyPi} I do!
[20:04] * Benn|MoH smiles fakely, and is Jewish
[20:05] * Justinious grabs Melody's ring from Benn
[20:05] {@Special_Bot} Do you, Justinious, take thee MedyPi, to own and to PM from this day forward, in win and in fail, in wealth and in poverty, at 100% wellness and near death, to love and to lust for; from this day forward, until citizen death do you part?
[20:05] {@Justinious} I Do!
[20:06] {@Special_Bot} By the power vested in me now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!
[20:06] * Justinious grabs melody and leans in for our first kiss as a married couple
[20:06] * PrincessMedyPi grabs Justin's hand and runs with him out of the church.

Benn's Toast

[20:11] {%Benn|MakingAToast} *clears throat*
[20:12] {%Benn|MakingAToast} As I sit here observing true e-love making its way gradually into all of our lives, I look back remembering all of the wonderful times that I've shared with Justin and Princess
[20:13] {%Benn|MakingAToast} The two were nigh destined to be with each other, and I must admit that this wedding has been a stress-reliever. If you feel me, then o/.
[20:13] {@PrincessMedyPi} \o
[20:13] {%Benn|MakingAToast} Justin, Princess, congratulations, and good luck in the long voyage that is marriage.
[20:13] {@Justinious} \o

Mrs. Vice President of the United States of America, First Lady PrincessMedyPi