Parliament says "No Confidence" in funky44, Minister of Defence

Day 394, 13:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Christophia

The United Kingdom House of Commons has today tabled a motion of no-confidence in eUK's Minister of Defence, funky44.

Malta_1990 of The Unity Party proposed the motion, stating: "we definately need a better organisation of the war and this should be the MoD's job."

"Its fine if the MoD is active, but when he does sweet FA and the paras' ideas are unanswered, it becomes incompetence."

A crisis in unravelling in the UK government as more and more battles in the war against France are being lost. We have lost 3 of the 4 battles against France, and with just over an hour to go until the latest battle for Champagne-Ardenne finishes, eUK looks set for another defeat.

Accusations of blame have been shot around with Bob Bobolo of the People's Communist Party claiming "the entire war council be to blame". Meanwhile it has emerged in alleged accusations that our current Minister of Defence, funky44 has been AWOL for the past few days and hasn't replied to questions by the army for days - is it time for a new administration in the Ministry of Defence?

PCP Member of Parliament defended the Minister, claiming "Funky did a good job under difficult circumstances and doesn't deserve as much critisism as he gets".

Either way, this crisis must be solved soon before this war is lost. There are already call for a cease-fire from within many in eUK. Reorganisation and replanning is desperately needed or eUK will face humiliation on the world stage.


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