A magazine about eRepublik History

Day 389, 10:25 Published in Sweden Sweden by Krushnow

I have decided to do something I don't think has been done before in eRepublik, a "newspaper" about the history of the New World. This might seem like a bad idea to some since you can very easily just read about history on the marvelous Wiki of eRepublik but that really only covers small parts and in my opinion they don't do the time before V1 justice. I hope you will enjoy this magazine as much as I enjoy writing it.

An uneasy Europe
This article takes place in the days of yore when there were no German-Sweden or Norway-Russia, when even the most insignificant country had a piece of land to call their own, this was a time before the great release of the war module. eRepublik was fading with interest, people didn't see a point playing a game where close to nothing happened, Sweden was by far the mightiest country in the world but what was the point?

Then February came and the rumors were confirmed, the war module would be released in March. Suddenly the countries of Europe (you got to remember this was the time before the US was big) started fearing the bloodthirsty swedes who had their plans set on world domination, so the Northern Alliance was founded.

Now you maybe thinking; Northern Alliance? Wasn't that the alliance Sweden and Norway started? Well this is a historical mistake as that alliance was called Nordic Alliance (this I know because I was there) but I'll treat that subject in later articles . No, the Northern Alliance was an anti-Sweden alliance meant to protect the smaller countries from the "warmongering swedes", the alliance consisted of the majority of Europe (note: this was not an MPP or anything like that, only a contract this was pre-war module after all) including UK, Ireland and if I'm not mistaking Norway. Denmark wanted to join NA but was not allowed because I quote Denmark's president Grev Per "We would join Northern Alliance if it wasn't for them thinking of us as a lia-fucking-bility". Northern Alliance was more talk than action and was soon dissolved.

As trivia I might ad😛 there is actually a real-life whitesupremacist group called Northen Alliance but that is probably just a coincidence. That's all for this time folks.