The BAPS influence.

Day 84, 00:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Suspended

Most of you may of noticed the amount of new people joining Ireland recently,and most are from BAPS.
Now when they first arrived I was passive you could say but what they have done so far does not make me feel good.
Since they are using such close unity they are practically killing what I used to like about Ireland.

The fact they vote together,regardless of what they may say does decide elections,and the future president.We can see the landslide victory of Micheal Coll ins after BAPS decided to collectively vote.

Then there is BAPS Ammo.Sure you say you are trying to supply Ireland with wqeapons and yes you are doing that.But we were doing that before you guys came here,perfectly well and you just selling at cost price is running me and most likley patton into the ground.

My escape route,exporting to Britain has alreasdy been pursued by you.The fact you all see to be funding it together makes BAPS ammo a potentially powerful company,with invites to other Bapsters.You are practically killing any competition and I see it is only a matter of time beofre you expand into other markets.

Yes sure,for Ireland,unity is the key bla bla bla,but when you guys run practically half of our active population and make decision collectively we are not free anymore.
You control the markets,you control the politics,and soon at this rate you will control Ireland.

Sure this "attack" could be slightly surprising but the way you guys have played has led me to resenting the way you do things.To me it looks as if you are siezing the country from the older members,who I believe are better equipped to be honest.

And how is it fair that I can only have 3 employees,after 3 weeks, and you get 20 in three days,how do I compete with that?

My post is probably getting to long now but I think how you are sticking so close together,is allowing you to dominate things which you shouldnt.Perhaps you guys could vote and make decisions individually as the way it is right now does not look good to me.

Regards,and eagerly awaiting responses,Top Gun