Information from DNS

Day 368, 06:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by DNS Information Center

Hm, you know that I have? I have apparently a horrible memory some times, and no idea how to make links today...
But why no memory? well, its 12 days since the last article from DNSIC!

Okey, that have happened during this almost 2 weeks in DNS?

Well, for the first, we have a new party leader, and it's me.
And sure, it was a darn close election, with Gustavius getting 19 votes, Trisen 17 and Xandra 11.
Which means that 33.81% of the party voted, that's 7% more when FSB and 8% more when MSAP.
But still, i won, and now we have some things we need to fix.

One is the upcoming election, where we still are seeking some candidates, and the other one is something i almost forgot, The military strategy of DNS, we are taking it up to debate again.
And we will integrate Germany-Denmark to military, so here, this is some links to everything you need and believe me, its darn important that you will write your answers to some questions, which you will find here and if you can't see it, and you are a member of DNS, i would like you to write here where you can seek access to the area so you can answer the important questions.

That's the military part of DNS, and what our views on Expansion parties and Denmark-Germany is.
The other thing you need to know about, will actually come as information tomorrow in one other mass mail to the members.
But its about the areas that DNS need a candidate for the upcoming elections, Because remember.

We may not win every area, even if we love that, but the important thing is that you and I, will together make DNS to come in to the spotlight for our beloved citizens...
To show that we are here for them, and that we would love to hear their ideas and views and values.
To show the citizens and everybody else the Happy face of DNS.

Otherwise, one very important thing is about the next party gathering, or meeting.
It will be at 21.00 Swedish time in our [url=irc://quakenet/DemocratsOfNewSweden ]IRC[/url] on Monday, the day before the elections.
And i think what was all, nice, So please, Don't forget to vote, and as we once said in a PR-movie, -When you are standing the election booth and scratching your head, trying to figure who vote for, Remember when your friend, Remember DNS.

And then a silly Pacifist slogan which we should not use here...
Your party leader Gustavius, and remember DNS - A change in the future, a friend for life.