Life in Austronesia. The Answers.

Day 336, 05:36 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by serenity16

Here our answer (at least my answer) to all "Austronesia" ( I prefer call you "Indoaussie") regarding your article about how misserable you are live under eIndonesia. Lets talk about it from your side and our side point of view.

1. The Government From your side, you said we ignore you, and treat you as second class citizens, and don't respect you by not publishing statements in english and the welcome message is written only in Bahasa Indonesia. And we were not listen to you and won't change for you.

From our side, like it or not you are live in eRepublik of Indonesia, and the national language is Bahasa Indonesia. If you don't understand it, you can ask our government nicely to put some english translation in the statements and the welcome message. Just as simple as that. Not by rumbling and whining about how we treat you unfair. And what do you know about respect? First, do you now why the war began at the first place? It's all because your president insulted our president (at that time). That's the trigger, not because our itchy finger. Second, we gave you opportunity to discuss about giving your freedom gradually, one step at a time. And at that time you insulted (again) our government. We even don't asked your gold to free those 2 regions. We are willingly to give them for free. But what did you say to us? Greedy !!! We've build those 2 regions, spend some golds and efforts, and once we offer those 2 regions to you for free, and you called us greedy ? So ridiculous. So once again, what do you know about respect ? You have to learn to respect us before you demand all of us to respect you. From my point of view, you are the one who need to learn respect and good diplomacy. None of this will ever happen if you knew that 2 important things, respect and good diplomacy. About second class citizens, that's all your fault. Since we occupied Australia, we build it. We gave q4 hospital, build some company, providing people some works, build community. And did you help? Nope. You just build your shell and live under it. How can you can be listen? We gave you a chance, and you throw it back to our face. Try to learn some manners.
2. Language barrier From your side, you said that every article an Indoaussie write, is barraged with comments in Bahasa Indonesia, and either ridiculing you or just impolite.
From our side, do you even know what the comments mean? Some of them give good comments. Just like isnuwardana said, we can understand english, but some of us don't have enough skill to write in english. So some of us write it in Bahasa Indonesia. And if you don't like if Indonesian give comments to your article, don't publish it in eRepublik of Indonesia. Like it or not you are part of eRepublik Indonesia now. And Bahasa Indonesia is the national language. And from my point of view, everybody have a right to give whatever comment in whatever language in whoever articles.

3. Parties From your side, you said we shot down every Indoaussie parties and we didn't give you a chance to integrate in Indonesian politics.

From our side, we see your parties are made to challenge eIndonesian government, so why we have to support them ? We haven't see any good effort from your side to integrate with us. All we can see and hear are just your whining, rumbling and your threaten. Is that called integrate? You separate yourself from us, so now you have nowhere for you to call home. We can understand that you want a place to call home, that's why we gave you a chance by starting a negotiation. But your delegation blew it and insulting us. They even threaten us. For you to know, we start the negotiation not because we're afraid of you and your ally. It started from the good deed of our government and from the hope that next time we can be a good neighbor. You want us to change for you? Change yourself first. I'm sorry for my english, but hey, so what ???? I'm an Indonesian citizen and Bahasa Indonesia is our national language not english !!! You don't like it, that's your problems, coz WE ARE THE WINNER!!!!!!!!