{Aust DoFA and DoD} Training War with eNew Zealand

Day 3,126, 20:05 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Foreign Affairs

Greeting eAustralia,

The Department of Foreign Affairs in conjunction with the Department of Defence would like to inform you of a new Training War which will soon be proposed.

As we all know by now, the eIreland Training War came to un-expected end. This leaves our DO's not so active (our allies are in their own different training wars) and it also leaves those good old True Patriot medals out of our reach. So the DoFA and DoD working in partnership and under the guidance of our CP, have teamed up with eNew Zealand to bring you some entertainment.

eNew Zealand Training War

WAR! Whats it good for? TP medals of course 😃

Military Promotion Video: Here

After some discussions with our friends eNew Zealand, we have decided to have a little training war with them. This is due to the quiet period we are having, both of our previous Training Wars coming to and end and also to allow for a bit of fun and medal gathering.

So as per these discussion's, our CP Gueneo will soon propose eNew Zealand as our NE. Now for the time line/planned events:

1) Australia will declare a NE on eNew Zealand.

2) Australia will open and win the first battle.

3) After the battle is won by eAustralia, eAustralia will attack the next region.

4) 24hrs after the first battle is won, eNew Zealand will RW the first region.

5) This will continue on in this fashion until such a time either country calls a halt to the Training War. Just like the recent eJapan and eIreland ones, eAustralia will take one region, eNew Zealand will RW it back.

6) eAustralia will pay taxes back to eNew Zealand on occupied regions.

Your government is happy to be working along side the government of eNew Zealand once again and hope this helps to continue to build the friendship and bonds between our two nations.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the DoFA or the DoD and please stay tuned to the DoD Daily Orders to know in which battles to hit.

MoFA Rusty D and MoD Thedillpickl