RIPablika Paprika (EN + RO)

Day 2,872, 07:50 Published in Romania Romania by Puiutz micutz

Dear Erepublik,

I hope my article finds you well.

First of all I would like to say this article is not (just) about me, I am a mere observer and I play for ... fun?, I still play because this game makes me feel like I'm building something, it's keeping me busy and I like helping people from time to time, with what I can.

The thing is what you are now becoming is not new to me. You are increasing the gap between players and it is all for the money.

In some days there are more Promotional Offers than the buttons we use for our daily clicking, it is becoming ridiculous, you're turning this into a Casino.
I see you do your best to keep the RON (or any other currency) / gold ratio high and I think I understand the reason behind this. It was a good step to introduce the CO so people could directly receive currency for damage, you probably had your information about players selling damage so you said why not implementing it yourself, way to go but you should keep giving us what we need and not continuously asking us for money in so many different ways. You stopped the infusion of gold through medals and this lead to an increase in the cost of gold, are you somehow aiming of getting it to 1000 / 1 gold? No, my friends, if I didn't burn my card on your game until now I won't do no matter what (although at some point I gave you my money and maybe that's why I'm still here).
So you changed it to 1000 cc / medal, a fixed amount which in the future might mean nothing, why do you interfere directly on the market which works better when it's a free market (with some exceptions)? Why all of this on the expense of the players that pay for playing? If you can't handle a free market then set fixed prices, remove everything else, remove the gold and that's that.

You've split us in 4 divisions and it is still not clear if this is a good or a bad thing. What will you do when you will have no more new players or no more players that are willing to create alternate accounts / clones. You balanced the production a bit as if these new players want to stay in the lower divisons they will have to have fewer companies to work in meaning slightly smaller production levels and higher prices for certain products, in theory... and for just a while. The effects of your actions are always temporary and this is because you don't actually change anything important, you're just running in circles and you tweak it here and there, change some pictures, dust some servers, release some new events.

The new players mut have the possibility to catch up with the other ones, to a certain degree of course, otherwise, for them, the distance from Day One to Legends of Romania is light years away.

I see the trend now is to force us to play all day long, with weapons, bazookas, bombs, rockets, houses, bonuses, ranks, champs, chimps, chips all the shabang, it's plain stupid, pardon my french. Some people do not have time, some people are not in the mood and some people will not spend just so they keep up or catch up with the higher ranked players. You are forcing people to act, to spend, to play hard and to hate just so they can keep up with the other ones that were lucky enough (some stole - and nothing happened to them, some are at "the buttons", some invested smartly a long time ago etc).

As I said, I've seen it before, the more you increase the gap between players the faster this game will end.

I can't blame you for trying to make a profit, we must all make a living and if I had a game I would probably want to (also) make money out of it but, in case you didn't see this at others, I am trying to inform you this is not the right way.

And lastly, too bad you forgot that this was a "country game" and people joined because they felt this is a good simulation for the real world, the real country, and they could do things differently, better. Your game mechanics now is dividing people, the army has no REAL tool to have us act as one , as one country. We now have Military Units and Dictators that can act as little countries and governments inside a country.

Have you ever thought of keeping us all together but giving a clear role to each? Let's say one is an economist, one is a politician while the other one a fighter? Let's say the one doing just economy can somehow be rewarded with an increase in skills that he can use? How about a real economic war. How about politicians that have REAL goals and receive rewards that would increase their power in the game (in their field of work). Everyone is doing everything, we have Military Unit: XYZ, Party: XYZ, Economists: XYZ, everything else: XYZ . It's all a mess.

And most of us started because we had to defend this country against Hungary, where is the game mechanics that allows this now? (please note I am NOT for stupidly attacking Hungary or shameless MTO attempts)


Draga Erepubliko,

Sper ca esti bine (si sanatoasa la cap).

In primul rand vreau sa mentionez ca acest articol nu este (doar) despre mine, eu sunt un simplu observator si joc placere?, inca joc pentru ca ma simt bine contruind ceva, ma tine ocupat si imi place sa ajut oameni, din cand in cand si cum pot.

Ceea ce devii acum nu e nou pentru mine. Cresti distanta dintre jucatori si faci asta doar pentru bani.

In unele zile avem mai multe Oferte Promotionale Super Extraordinare decat avem butonase pe care sa apasam pentru rutina zilnica, e de-a dreptul ridicol si totul risca sa devina un Cazino.

Vad ca faci tot posibilul pentru ca raportul Leu / Aur sa fie cat mai ridicat si cred ca inteleg motivul din spatele acestui lucru. Introducerea CO-ului a fost un pas bun pentru ca astfel jucatorii au putut primi direct plata pentru luptele date, probabil ca ai observat ca jucatorii incep sa-si vanda munca pe bani si ai gandit s-o implementezi in joc. Foarte bine ca asculti de jucatori dar ar trebui sa continui sa ne dai ceea ce dorim si nu sa ceri bani incotinuu prin tot felul de oferte, ofertulete, joculete si magarii de tot felul. Ai incetat infuzia de aur prin medalii si asta a dus la cresterea pretului pentru aur, scopul e cumva sa ajungem la 1000 Lei / 1 gram aur? Baitzashilor, daca nu am dat cu cardul pana acum nu o sa dau nici mai incolo (desi la un moment dat v-am dat banii mei si asta e unul din motivele pentru care inca joc).

Ati schimbat recompensa de la 5 G la 1000 RON, o suma fixa stabilitat de voi, o suma ce in viitor ar putea sa insemne mai nimic. De ce ati intervenit direct intr-o piata care functioneaza mai bine cand e libera (cu putine exceptii)? De ce toate astea pe cheltuiala celor care dau bani ca sa joace? Daca nu va descurcati cu o piata libera atunci puneti stabiliti niste preturi fixe, scoateti toate variabilele, tot aurul si cu asta basta, de credeti voi ca merge mai bine.
Ne-ati impartit in 4 divizii si nu mi-e clar daca-i bine sau rau. Ce faceti cand nu mai aveti jucatori noi in divizia 1 sau nu mai gasiti jucatori vechi care sa-si doreasca sa faca clone pentru un mic beneficiu? Miscarea asta a mai balansat putin productia pentru ca unii prefera sa nu lucreze in multe firme tocmai ca sa nu creasca in nivel deci ca sa ramana in diviziile inferioare iar asta o fi avut ceva efect in modificarea nivelului productiei, in teorie si pentru putina vreme. Toate efectele actiunilor voastre sunt temporare si asta pentru ca nu schimbati nimic esential, va invartiti in cercuri, mai cateo schimbarica pe ici pe colea, mai o poza schimbata, mai un meniu cu Cico langa, mai stergeti praful pe servere etc.

Jucatorii noi trebuie sa aiba posibilitatea sa intre in joc, pana la un anumit punct desigur, altfel distanta de la ziua nasterii pana la Legendele Romaniei e de ani lumina.

Vad ca acuma tendinta e sa ne fortati sa jucam toata ziulica, cu arme, buzuci, bombe, rachetute, casute, bonusuri, clasamente, maimute, avioane, de-a dreptul stupid. Unii nu au timp sa joace atat, altii nu au chef iar altii nu vor sa bage bani doar ca sa tina pasul cu cei din top. Fortati oamenii sa joace mult si intens si sa urasca doar ca sa poata sa stea pe langa ceilalti care-s sus pe piedestal (unii sunt acolo sus pentru ca au furat si nu li s-a intamplat nimic, altii-s la butoane iar altii au investit bine cand a fost vremea buna).

Dupa cum ziceam, cu cat cresteti distanta dintre jucatori cu atat jocul se va termina mai repede.

Nu va poate nimeni invinovati pentru ca vreti sa faceti profit, cu totii trebuie sa supravietuim, sa platim chirii, patronii sa plateasca salarii etc, dar daca nu ati observat la altii atunci va spun eu ca nu e bine.
Si in cele din urma se pare ca ati uitat ca asta a inceput ca un joc "cu tari" si oamenii au venit sa-l joace tocmai pentru ca a parut a fi o simulare buna pentru lumea reala, pentru tara reala, unde au sperat ca pot sa faca lucrurile diferit. Mecanica jocului divizeaza jucatorii, luptatorii nu mai actioneaza ca O ENTITATE, ca o tara. Avem Unitati Militare, Dictatori, grupuri care actioneaza precum un stat in stat.

V-ati gandit vreodata sa ne tineti pe toti impreuna dar sa dati fiecaruia un rol bine determinat? Sa zicem ca unul vrea sa faca economie, altul politica iar altul sa lupte iar fiecare sa primeasca premii, puncte, banane, panselute, ce vreti voi, pentru ceea ce face el si care sa-l ajute in ceea ce face. Cum ar fi ca un razboi armat sa fie secondat de un razboi economic, un real razboi economic? Daca politicienii ar face doar politica si ar primi recompense care sa le sporeasca autoritatea in joc atunci lucrurile ar sta altfel, soldatii ar trebuie sa se sprijine pe politicieni si pe economisti, politicienii pe soldati si economisti si economistii pe politicieni si soldati. Stiu ce ganditi dar utopia chiar de nu exista, ea exista (sper ca va prindeti). Acum toata lumea face din toate, avem Unitatea Militara: Icsulescu, Partidul: Icsulescu, grupuletul care face troc Icsulescu, o varza totala.

Si daca va aduceti aminte majoritatea au intrat in joc pentru a putea apara tara de unguri, unde e mecanica jocului care sa permita asta acum (sa nu credeti cumva ca sunt pentru atacul nesabuit impotriva Ungariei sau pentru tentativele neonorabile de MTO dar nu mai avem aceleasi lupte ca in trecut).

Hai pa.