How to FAIL at Dictatorship

Day 2,677, 08:44 Published in Romania Romania by Wolv3rin3X
Good day readers,

I don't know how many of you have notice that a country lunched a law proposal to declare war to eRomania a couple of days ago. This country is under dictatorship and it's name is Russia.

Now that you know about which country i'm talking lets see the line of events from day 2668 when the dictatorship was installed until the day 2672 when the dictator failed its duties.

Russia is under dictatorship from day 2668. The dictator installed in Russia is DimkaVelikiy

All was fine until day 2672 when the great Russian dictator violated some simple rules. The one in yellow is one of great importance:

Why is that rule important? Well our dictator wanted to take part in the French revolution and joined military unit leaving it's military unit without an appointed commander.
The game automatically appointed a new military unit commander in the person of and Russia got a new dictator .

After this the dictator changed his name, the military unit name, the party name and the newspaper name.

And here we have Dimka in HAILME military unit without dictatorship red mark.

What happened next? The new dictator start using its fresh new buttons.
The first law was signing an mpp with Serbia. All the Serbians congress members approved the new mpp.
The second law initiated by Russische Diktator was a law to leave Pacifica alliance.
The third one was a USA trading embargo law.
Next we have a peace treaty law that sounded like this: The President of Russia demanded a sum of 0 gold from your National Treasury in return to a peace treaty with Russia. Probably that admins realized the awkward moment and deleted the law.
The last law proposed was a declaration of war towards Romania.
Russische Diktator approved all the issued laws.

Half an hour after the launch of the laws, Dimka took his place back as a military unit commander and received his red dictator plate again.
After regaining the dictator buttons Dimka rejected all laws from former dictator.

And they lived happily ever after.

Hope you enjoyed the reading,