[ISS] Public Report

Day 2,665, 14:43 Published in Ireland Egypt by PORTOFOLAS

Hello dear eIrish citizens!

ISS (Irish Security Service) is a new ministry found by our current CP Don Croata. Not long time ago, dictatorship feature was added in erepublik. This new change brings a lot of danger for erepublik countries and communities. It is possible for a single military unit to take more or less absolute control over the country. Dictator can steal all the money from the organizations, he/she has the ability to use many citizenship passes. In a past few days/weeks we could witness destruction of various smaller erepublic communities (eSwitzerland is a good example). Violent and sudden takeover of eIreland is possible, hence we need to do anything we can to prevent such a turn of events.

Yellow alert - my estimation of the current state:

What can we do to prevent foreign dictatorship in eIreland?

1) We can set our domestic dictator to rule. In that way our enemy would need to spend double amount of money to install malicious dictator. eIrish community decided not to install domestic dictator, I think that was a good decision. Domestic dictator would have too much power, and if he/she refuses to relinquish power, then eIrish community would need to spend 2 x 200k cc for removal of old dictator and for positioning new one.

My impression of an average erepublik dictator, person that holds nearly unlimited power in his/her state:

2) We can try to fight our enemies in the field of battle! Give them hell, and defeat them in a old fashion manner (kick their asses, obliterate and destroy them).

Things our enemies need to do (step by step) – how to prevent such events:

1) One must take control of an eIrish MU. This can be done in three ways:

a) Person can create gain eIrish citizenship and find new MU here in eIreland.
We can prevent that by not giving citizenship to that particular person. It is hard to know who is a real threat. I am personaly monitoring citizenship requests. I keep an eye on new eIrish citizens.

b) Person can get (buy?) eIrish MU from a MU leader.
We have informed leaders of eIrish MUs to report suspicious offers. Also it is possible to try to buy few of the existing eIrish MUs, but i dont think it is neccessary.

c) Person can create multiaccount, buy MU with multie, transfer ownership to self.
Administrating multiaccounts is illegal, and any individual that tries do this is in risk of getting banned. I will preemptively send ticket to admins in case of a coup attempt. Admins will check history of that MU, and detect illegal activities (if illegal activities occured).

2) Our enemies control eIrish MU, they will need to mobilize.
If they want to have good chance, they need to transfer enough of players, players of all divisions. Transfering process can take some time. If enemies are spotted they loose the element of surprise. We must be vigilant!

3) It is necessary to transfer 200k cc to MU.
Nothing we can do about it.

4) Coup has started.
We need to fight and put CO when needed. We need to inform our friends and allies.

5) Battle is near end.

a) We are winning.
Drinking one or few cold beers is desirable.

b) We are loosing.
CP must save all money from the orgs. Im my opinion he should send money to his own account, or for example to various reliable representatives of eIrish community (for example to each top 5 party leaders). In three days we free eIreland with help of our allies.

What can you do to help?

One way is to monitor any suspicious activities. I have made a list of all eIrish MUs. Players (eIrish) that are interested can contact me and I will send them the list. I dont want to publish list in this article, it is not a top secret since that information can be found by any player with more or less effort, but I would rather not share it here. I check daily for new MUs, and any important changes in old ones (change of leadership, or large inflow of new members). IF YOU SPOT ANY IMPORTANT CHANGES, OR SUSPICIOUS ACITIVITIES please contact CP, someone from the government or congress, and me. Thank you.

Yours, TomislavRexCroatorum.

PS: I am not a native English speaker, so please correct me if you find any mistakes. Thank you 😉.